Združeni arabski emirati

Dentist in UAE

Najboljše od 18 ordinacij na destinaciji Združeni arabski emirati

Dentist in UAE

Združeni arabski emirati
npr. Puljenje zoba

Najboljša mesta za zobozdravstvo na destinaciji Združeni arabski emirati

10 najboljših zobozdravstvenih klinik na destinaciji Združeni arabski emirati

Mediverse Polyclinic clinic

Mediverse Polyclinic

4.95/5(30 komentarjev)


  • Straumann implants
  • Free accomodation next to clinic
  • Best offer guaranteed
  • Hot deals

Vstavitev implantata Nobel Biocare€600

Kovinsko keramična krona€100

All on 4 (akrilni zobje)€4,000

One Aesthetic Clinic clinic

One Aesthetic Clinic

5/5(3 komentarji)


  • Everything in one place
  • Best prices guaranteed
  • High quality

Vstavitev implantata Nobel Biocare€500

All on 4 (akrilni zobje)€4,000

Kovinsko keramična krona€500

Blue Dental Clinic clinic

Blue Dental Clinic

4.3/5(1 komentar)


  • Workmanship warranty
  • Specialist for All on 4/6

All on 4 (akrilni zobje)€6,000

Vstavitev implantata Bego€1,500

Kovinsko keramična krona€800

Elegant Dental Clinic LLC clinic

Elegant Dental Clinic LLC

4.86/5(7 komentarjev)


  • Workmanship warranty
  • High quality

Kovinsko keramična krona€232

Black Diamond Medical Clinic clinic

Black Diamond Medical Clinic

4.8/5(5 komentarjev)


  • Specialist for All on 4/6
  • Specialist for Hollywood smile
Pearly White Dental Clinic clinic

Pearly White Dental Clinic

4.28/5(5 komentarjev)


  • Organize van transfer
  • High demand

Direct vstavitev vsadka€899

Kovinsko keramična krona€250

All on 4 (akrilni zobje)€5,000

Crossroads Dental Clinic clinic

Crossroads Dental Clinic

4.83/5(6 komentarjev)


  • High quality
  • Specialist for Proesthetic

Direct vstavitev vsadka€1,800

TruCare Clinics clinic

TruCare Clinics

5/5(3 komentarji)


  • 20+ years of experinace
  • Specialist for Hollywood smile

Kovinsko keramična krona€400

NOA Dental Clinic clinic

NOA Dental Clinic

4.83/5(6 komentarjev)


  • 20+ years of experinace
  • Specialist for Implantology
  • High quality

All on 4 (akrilni zobje)€7,950

Direct vstavitev vsadka€1,400

Al Dana Medical Poly Clinic clinic

Al Dana Medical Poly Clinic

4.23/5(3 komentarji)


  • Nobel biocare implants

Vstavitev implantata Nobel Biocare€1,800

Kovinsko keramična krona€270

Oglejte si vseh 18 ordinacij na destinaciji Združeni arabski emirati

Pogosta vprašanja

Katere so najboljše klinike na lokaciji Združeni arabski emirati?

Vsaka klinika na naši platformi je skrbno izbrana in za vaše potrebe je na voljo veliko odličnih možnosti. Najboljše klinike vključujejo:
  • Mediverse Polyclinic
  • One Aesthetic Clinic
  • Blue Dental Clinic

Kakšne so prednosti izbire Združeni arabski emirati za zobozdravstveno zdravljenje v tujini?

Izbira Združeni arabski emirati za zobozdravstveno zdravljenje v tujini vam lahko pomaga prihraniti denar, dostopati do visokokakovostne oskrbe, uživati ​​na počitnicah in izkusiti drugačno kulturo. Glede na vaše želje, proračun in zobozdravstvene potrebe lahko izbirate med različnimi destinacijami, ki ponujajo cenovno ugodne in kakovostne zobozdravstvene storitve.

Zakaj so zobozdravstveni posegi v drugih državah cenejši?

Dostopnost zobozdravstvenega zdravljenja v tujini izhaja iz dejavnikov, kot so nižji življenjski stroški in materiali, plače usposobljenih strokovnjakov in več. Prispevajo tudi predpisi, ekonomija obsega, infrastruktura in menjalni tečaji. Dentalni turizem ponuja prihranke in nego – izberite pametno za bolj zdrav in samozavesten nasmeh

Zobozdravstveni turizem na lokaciji Združeni arabski emirati

Welcome to United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a federation of seven emirates located on the Arabian Peninsula in the Middle East. It is known for its modern architecture, luxury shopping, and vibrant nightlife. The UAE is also home to some of the world's most iconic landmarks, including the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, and the Palm Jumeirah, a man-made island in the shape of a palm tree.

Benefits of Dental Care in United Arab Emirates

Dental care in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) offers several benefits, including access to modern facilities and advanced technologies. The country is home to many well-equipped dental clinics and hospitals that adhere to high standards of care. Dentists in the UAE are often highly qualified, with many having received training from reputable institutions around the world.

Dental Work Costs

Dental work costs in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) can vary depending on the type of procedure and the clinic or hospital where it is performed. Generally, dental care in the UAE is considered to be of high quality but can be relatively expensive compared to some other countries. 

Brands, Technology & Quality of Dental Care

UAE is renowned for its high-quality dental care, supported by advanced technology and the use of top dental brands. UAE dentists often utilize equipment and materials from leading global brands such as Straumann, 3M, Ivoclar Vivadent, Dentsply Sirona, and Planmeca. This ensures patients receive top-notch treatments using reliable, high-quality products. 

Payment Methods

  • Cash

  • Credit/Debit cards

  • Bank transfers

  • Payment plans

  • International Insurance

How to Reach Your Destination

Reaching the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for dental tourism can be done by air, as it's the most convenient and common way to travel there. The UAE has several international airports, with Dubai International Airport (DXB) being the busiest and most well-connected. From the airport, you can take a taxi, rent a car, or use public transportation to reach your destination. Dubai and Abu Dhabi have well-developed public transport systems.

Most Popular Cities

UAE has a lot to offer in terms of vibrant cities, and many historic areas. Some of the most popular cities for dental treatments include: