Ciudad de Mexico

Dentist in Mexico City

Najboljše od 28 ordinacij na destinaciji Ciudad de Mexico

Dentist in Mexico City

Ciudad de Mexico, Mehika
npr. Puljenje zoba

10 najboljših zobozdravstvenih klinik na destinaciji Ciudad de Mexico

KEMMClinic clinic


4.95/5(36 komentarjev)

Ciudad de Mexico

  • Everything in one place
  • Specialist for All on 4/6
  • Awarded clinic
  • High demand

Vstavitev Straumannovega implantata€820

All on 4 (akrilni zobje)€6,300

Smile Implant Center clinic

Smile Implant Center

4.23/5(4 komentarji)

Ciudad de Mexico

  • Nobel biocare implants
  • Free VIP transfer
  • Hot deals till 20.03.

Vstavitev implantata Nobel Biocare€1,000

All on 4 (akrilni zobje)€14,375

Kovinsko keramična krona€680

Clínica Déntelis clinic

Clínica Déntelis

4.28/5(4 komentarji)

Ciudad de Mexico

  • Everything in one place
  • Nobel biocare implants
  • Best offer guaranteed

Vstavitev implantata Nobel Biocare€960

Kovinsko keramična krona€312

Clinica dental Velez clinic

Clinica dental Velez

4.26/5(5 komentarjev)

Ciudad de Mexico

  • Nobel biocare implants
  • Awarded doctors
  • Hot prices till 20.03.

Vstavitev vsadka Straumann SLActive€3,273

All on 4 (akrilni zobje)€9,818

Kovinsko keramična krona€655

Odontologic Clínica Dental 5 clinic

Odontologic Clínica Dental 5

4.28/5(4 komentarji)

Ciudad de Mexico

  • Specialist for All on 4/6
  • Hot prices

Vstavitev Straumannovega implantata€750

All on 4 (akrilni zobje)€3,000

Kovinsko keramična krona€340

Dental Charmant clinic

Dental Charmant

4.25/5(2 komentarja)

Ciudad de Mexico

  • Straumann implants
  • Best offer guaranteed

Vstavitev Straumannovega implantata€2,400

Kovinsko keramična krona€600

Odontologic Clínica Dental clinic

Odontologic Clínica Dental

4.28/5(4 komentarji)

Ciudad de Mexico

  • Straumann implants
  • Specialist for All on 4/6

Vstavitev Straumannovega implantata€750

All on 4 (akrilni zobje)€3,000

Kovinsko keramična krona€340

Dentalay Dental Specialties Clinic clinic

Dentalay Dental Specialties Clinic

4.25/5(2 komentarja)

Ciudad de Mexico

  • Specialist for Implantology

All on 4 (akrilni zobje)€8,000

Sakar dental clinic

Sakar dental

4.27/5(3 komentarji)

Ciudad de Mexico

  • Accomodation next to clinic

Direct vstavitev vsadka€602

Dr Javier Monroy clinic

Dr Javier Monroy

4.27/5(3 komentarji)

Ciudad de Mexico

  • Best offer guaranteed
Oglejte si vseh 28 ordinacij na destinaciji Ciudad de Mexico

Pogosta vprašanja

Katere so najboljše klinike na lokaciji Ciudad de Mexico?

Vsaka klinika na naši platformi je skrbno izbrana in za vaše potrebe je na voljo veliko odličnih možnosti. Najboljše klinike vključujejo:
  • KEMMClinic
  • Smile Implant Center
  • Clínica Déntelis

Kakšne so prednosti izbire Ciudad de Mexico za zobozdravstveno zdravljenje v tujini?

Izbira Ciudad de Mexico za zobozdravstveno zdravljenje v tujini vam lahko pomaga prihraniti denar, dostopati do visokokakovostne oskrbe, uživati ​​na počitnicah in izkusiti drugačno kulturo. Glede na vaše želje, proračun in zobozdravstvene potrebe lahko izbirate med različnimi destinacijami, ki ponujajo cenovno ugodne in kakovostne zobozdravstvene storitve.

Zakaj so zobozdravstveni posegi v drugih državah cenejši?

Dostopnost zobozdravstvenega zdravljenja v tujini izhaja iz dejavnikov, kot so nižji življenjski stroški in materiali, plače usposobljenih strokovnjakov in več. Prispevajo tudi predpisi, ekonomija obsega, infrastruktura in menjalni tečaji. Dentalni turizem ponuja prihranke in nego – izberite pametno za bolj zdrav in samozavesten nasmeh

Zobozdravstveni turizem na lokaciji Ciudad de Mexico

Welcome to Mexico City

Mexico City, the vibrant capital of Mexico, is a sprawling metropolis renowned for its rich history, cultural heritage, and dynamic atmosphere. With a population exceeding 20 million, it stands as one of the largest and most populous cities in the world. 

Dental Work Costs

Dental work costs in Mexico City are generally more affordable compared to many Western countries, making it a popular destination for dental tourism. Prices for common procedures like cleanings, fillings, and extractions can be significantly lower, often up to 50-70% less expensive than in the United States or Europe. 

Brands, Technology & Quality of Dental Care

Mexico City's dental clinics boast cutting-edge technology and utilize renowned brands such as Straumann, Nobel, Bego, and Wironit. With highly skilled practitioners and stringent quality standards, patients can expect nothing less than exceptional care and lasting results. 

Payment Methods

  • Cash

  • Credit/Debit cards

  • Payment plans

  • Traveler's Checks

  • Bank transfers

  • International Insurance

How to Reach Your Destination

The most common way to reach Mexico City is by flying into the Benito Juárez International Airport (MEX), which is the largest and busiest airport in Mexico. It serves numerous international and domestic flights, making it a convenient option for travelers. Mexico City has an extensive public transportation system, including the metro, buses, and suburban trains. These can be convenient and affordable ways to navigate the city and reach your dental destination.