Ho Chi Minh City

Dentist Ho Chi Minh City

Najboljše od 1 ordinacijo na destinaciji Ho Chi Minh City

Dentist Ho Chi Minh City

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
npr. Puljenje zoba

10 najboljših zobozdravstvenih klinik na destinaciji Ho Chi Minh City

East Rose Dental Clinic clinic

East Rose Dental Clinic

4.97/5(35 komentarjev)

Ho Chi Minh City

  • Organize van transfer
  • Specialist for Hollywood smile
  • Free accomodation next to clinic

Kovinsko keramična krona€116

Oglejte si vseh 1 ordinacijo na destinaciji Ho Chi Minh City

Pogosta vprašanja

Katere so najboljše klinike na lokaciji Ho Chi Minh City?

Vsaka klinika na naši platformi je skrbno izbrana in za vaše potrebe je na voljo veliko odličnih možnosti. Najboljše klinike vključujejo:
  • East Rose Dental Clinic

Kakšne so prednosti izbire Ho Chi Minh City za zobozdravstveno zdravljenje v tujini?

Izbira Ho Chi Minh City za zobozdravstveno zdravljenje v tujini vam lahko pomaga prihraniti denar, dostopati do visokokakovostne oskrbe, uživati ​​na počitnicah in izkusiti drugačno kulturo. Glede na vaše želje, proračun in zobozdravstvene potrebe lahko izbirate med različnimi destinacijami, ki ponujajo cenovno ugodne in kakovostne zobozdravstvene storitve.

Zakaj so zobozdravstveni posegi v drugih državah cenejši?

Dostopnost zobozdravstvenega zdravljenja v tujini izhaja iz dejavnikov, kot so nižji življenjski stroški in materiali, plače usposobljenih strokovnjakov in več. Prispevajo tudi predpisi, ekonomija obsega, infrastruktura in menjalni tečaji. Dentalni turizem ponuja prihranke in nego – izberite pametno za bolj zdrav in samozavesten nasmeh

Zobozdravstveni turizem na lokaciji Ho Chi Minh City

Welcome to Ho Chi Minh City

Ho Chi Minh City, formerly known as Saigon, is Vietnam's largest and most dynamic city, located in the southern part of the country. It's known for its vibrant street life, rich history, modern skyline, historical attractions, lively markets, and diverse culinary scene, making it a captivating destination for travelers.

Dental Work Costs

Dental work costs in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, are significantly lower compared to many Western countries. On average, dental procedures in Ho Chi Minh City can be 60-80% less expensive than in the United States, Canada, and Western Europe. Despite the lower costs, dental clinics in Ho Chi Minh City maintain high standards of care, utilizing modern technology and quality materials to ensure excellent treatment outcomes.

Brands, Technology & Quality of Dental Care

Dental care in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, is known for its high quality, modern technology, and reputable brands. Clinics are equipped with advanced diagnostic tools and use leading dental brands for implants, crowns, and other materials. Dental professionals in the city are well-trained and stay updated with the latest advancements, ensuring patients receive excellent dental care.

Payment Methods

  • Cash

  • Credit/Debit cards

  • Bank transfers

How to Reach Your Destination

Getting to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam is easy. Tan Son Nhat International Airport (SGN) is just 6 kilometers from the city center and offers many flights to major cities across Asia, Europe, and the Americas. From the airport, you can take a taxi, ride-sharing service, or shuttle bus. The city is also accessible by train, long-distance bus, and car.