
Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Partial dentures with metal base framework - Estetik International

Price: €1,500

Partial dentures are made when a certain number of natural teeth are present in the jaw that allow the denture to adhere. The remaining teeth must be repaired in order to attach a partial denture to them, which makes it more stable during chewing and speech, and thus more comfortable to wear. Unlike a complete denture in which the masticatory force is on the mucosa, a partial denture will transfer the load to the other teeth and thus relieve the mucosa. The advantage of a partial denture is that it can withstand higher chewing forces without irritating the mucous membrane.
Estetik International

Estetik International

4.93/5(35 reviews)


  • Straumann implants
  • Best offer guaranteed

Estetik International believes that everyone should rest first. For this reason, the International Patient Unit has adopted the principle of planning the detailed treatment process of patients coming from abroad, from the consulting services they will receive during and after the trip, to diagnosis, treatment, transportation, translation and accommodation.

Estetik International