
Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Denture supported by 4 implants with locators (hybrid dentures) - Estetik International

Price: €2,000

Total dentures on a large number of implants not only soothe and stabilize the prosthesis, but completely transfer all the load of masticatory load to the implants located in the bone as artificial tooth roots and properly transfer that pressure to the depth, which greatly contributes to jaw bone preservation.
Estetik International

Estetik International

4.93/5(35 reviews)


  • Straumann implants
  • Best offer guaranteed

Estetik International believes that everyone should rest first. For this reason, the International Patient Unit has adopted the principle of planning the detailed treatment process of patients coming from abroad, from the consulting services they will receive during and after the trip, to diagnosis, treatment, transportation, translation and accommodation.

Estetik International