4th floor, KM Trade tower, Radisson Blu Kaushambi, Ghaziabad, New Delhi, India
Garantovano Najpovoljnija Ponuda
Garantovano Najpovoljnija Ponuda
Dr. Vivek Gaur’s Dental Implant Clinic is Delhi NCR’s first center to be equipped with international standard medical equipment! Patients looking for Dental Implants in Delhi can get fixed teeth supported by dental implants in just 48 hours, thanks to our state-of-the-art technology.
This state-of-the-art clinic boasts a team of highly skilled professionals who prioritize personalized care and attention to detail. Their expertise spans a comprehensive range of cosmetic procedures, from non-invasive treatments to surgical interventions, all tailored to meet the unique needs and desires of each client.
Everything In One Place
Dr. Vivek Gaur’s Dental Implant Clinic offers X-rays, and prosthetics, has its lab, and more right on the spot.
Organized City Tour
The clinic can organize a city tour for you to enjoy your time spent abroad. For a more comprehensive view of amenities, like accommodation, check out the list below the clinic description.
The staff at this clinic is multilingual: communication is supported in all languages you need.
New Delhi, the capital of India, is a vibrant and bustling city that blends historical heritage with modern urban life. Known for its wide boulevards, impressive government buildings, and lush gardens, New Delhi offers a rich cultural experience.
New Delhi boasts a plethora of nearby landmarks and attractions that showcase its rich history and vibrant culture. The majestic Red Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, offers a glimpse into Mughal architecture and history. Humayun's Tomb, another UNESCO site, is a stunning example of Persian-inspired design and a precursor to the Taj Mahal.
The clinic is conveniently located 32 km, or 55 minutes, away from the Indira Gandhi International Airport, and the airport is connected to the public transportation system.
Dr. Vivek Gaur’s Dental Implant Clinic stands as a testament to the fusion of artistry, science, and compassion in the field of implantology. Its commitment to excellence and dedication to client satisfaction has made it a sought-after destination for those seeking top-tier beauty services in India, and beyond. To book an appointment just make an inquiry; our patient managers will help and guide you in your dental journey. It’s free, simple and easy!
Besplatan prvi pregled
Bez čekanja
Sve na jednom mestu
Organizovan prevodilac
Organizovan obilazak grada
20+ godina iskustva
ViFi u klinici
Garantovana najpovoljnija ponuda
Ako nađete bolju ponudu direktno u stomatološkoj ordinaciji ili na drugom sajtu, mi ćemo smanjiti cenu vaše ponude
Podrška pacijent menadžera
Iskoristite besplatne smernice našeg stručnog tima, posvećenog pomoći u personalizovanoj nezi
Snižene cene
Dostupno isključivo prilikom rezervacije preko Booking.dentist
Besplatan prvi pregled
Uživajte u inicijalnoj konsultaciji besplatno, dostupnom u većini naših klinika.
Svih 3 tretmana
Garantovano Najpovoljnija Ponuda
Swiss & German Basal zubni implantati - puna usta 18 implantata
Garantovano Najpovoljnija Ponuda
Swiss & German Basal zubni implantati - jedna vilica 8 do 10 implantata
Garantovano Najpovoljnija Ponuda
Swiss & German Basal zubni implantati - implantat za jedan zub
Prikazivanje 1-3 od 3
Dr. Vivek Gaur
Dr. Vivek Gaur is a dedicated dental professional who has pursued extensive training and specialisation from various institutions worldwide to master the art of dental implant restorations. His commitment to excellence in dental implant treatment is reflected in his continuous efforts to stay updated with the latest technological advancements in the field.
Dr. Vivek Gaur is one among a handful of experts in India, having mastered complex dental procedures such as Zygomatic implants and full-mouth dental implant rehabilitation. His dedication to excellence in dental implants has earned him the title as Dr Vivek Gaur Best Implantologist in Delhi
Organizovani autobus/kombi transfer
Usluga organizovanog transfera vodi vas od vašeg grada do klinike i nazad. To je zgodno, bezbedno i lako, posebno ako imate ograničenu pokretljivost. Imajte na umu da se uslovi i odredbe mogu promeniti, pa nas kontaktirajte da biste saznali više o pogodnostima.
Sopstvena laboratorija
Klinika poseduje sopstvenu laboratoriju. Ustanova nudi niz stomatoloških protetika i aparata po meri pacijenata. Klinika daje prednost jasnoj komunikaciji sa tehničarima, što rezultira bržim kreiranjem uz vrhunski kvalitet i prilagođavanje. Dobićete najbolji izgled i izgled vaših zuba.
3D skeniranje u klinici
Klinika omogućava 3D skeniranje na klinici. 3D skeniranje (konusna kompjuterska tomografija) je način snimanja vaših usta specijalnom mašinom. Prikazuje vaše zube, vilicu i druge delove u 3D, što znači da ih možete videti iz različitih uglova. Ovo nam pomaže da proverimo vaša usta i rešimo sve probleme koje imate. Ova vrsta skeniranja je brža, preciznija i udobnija od normalnih rendgenskih snimaka, pokazuje kako su vaše kosti i koreni oblikovani i pomaže da se bolje planira lečenje. 3D skeniranje koristimo samo kada treba da vidimo više stvari nego što nam normalni rendgenski zraci mogu pokazati.
Zigoma implantati
Klinika nudi uslugu Zigoma implantata. Zigoma implantati su posebna vrsta popravke zuba. Koriste se kada je pacijent izgubio veći deo kosti u gornjoj vilici i normalna rešenja neće funkcionisati. Pričvršćeni su za jagodičnu kost, koja je jaka i dobro ih drži. Zatim će zubar postaviti nove zube na temelj. Ovo je složena procedura i trebalo bi da je obavljaju samo iskusni profesionalci sa iskustvom u implantologiji.
Garancija na izradu
Ova klinika daje garanciju na kvalitet izrade stomatoloških tretmana. Ako se u određenom periodu nakon procedure pojave problemi, oni će biti otklonjeni bez dodatnih troškova. Pacijenti treba da razumeju uslove i da izaberu renomiranu kliniku sa iskusnim profesionalcima. Pregledajte dokument o garanciji i sačuvajte kopiju za referencu.
Besplatan VIP prevoz
Klinika nudi besplatan VIP prevoz za turiste koji traže stomatološku negu u inostranstvu od aerodroma do smeštaja i nazad.
Koji su neki od najpopularnijih tretmana za Dr Vivek Gaur's Dental Implant Centre?
Koje pogodnosti su dostupne u Dr Vivek Gaur's Dental Implant Centre?
Kako da pronađem najbolju ordinaciju za stomatološki tretman u inostranstvu?
Kako da zakažem pregled u klinici u inostranstvu?
Akshay Rathor
I am so happy to have found this amazing place for dental implant! I had been in search of a good dentist and found it here! Dr. Vivek Gaur is very knowledgeable and really cares for his patients.
navdiep anand
Best service!
surendran pillai
Dough Nguyen
I am fron USA, i make my Travel Implant. By Looky i found Dr. Vivek Gaur, An Implantologist , who can perform the complete Basal implant even in a very hard case, He had done the implant on both my jaws successfully. I am very happy and satisfy with his Services, his honesty. If you choose Travel Implant I recommend you choose Dr. Vivek Gaur.
Prikazivanje 1-5 od 9
Dr Vivek Gaur's Dental Implant Centre
4.89/5(9 recenzija)Garantovano Najpovoljnija Ponuda
Ako nađete bolju cenu direktno u klinici ili na drugom sajtu, mi ćemo je uskladiti ili nadmašiti.