Mumbaj, Indija
npr. Vađenje zuba

Ceramco Dental Clinic

4.8/5(5 recenzija)

Ganesh Darshan, 1st Floor, Lokmanya Tilak Rd, Maharashtra 400092, India

Garantovano Najpovoljnija Ponuda

Welcome to the Clinic

At Ceramco Dental Clinic, the commitment to patient-centric care is reflected in their philosophy of treating individuals the way they would like to be treated. From the moment patients step through the clinic's doors, they are welcomed into a warm and friendly atmosphere. Ceramco Dental Clinic takes pride in delivering exceptional dental care while maintaining the personalized touch of a family-owned practice.


Originally a single-chair private practice, Ceramco Dental Clinic has evolved into a 17-chair multispecialty dental clinic, making it India's largest private dental clinic. This clinic deals with all areas of dentistry and dental diseases.

Special Amenities

No Waiting Period

Ceramco Dental Clinic makes sure you get treatment as soon as possible with no waiting period. For a more comprehensive view of amenities, check out the list below the clinic description.


At Ceramco Dental Clinic communication is supported in English.


Mumbai, the bustling metropolis on the western coast of India,is the financial, commercial, and entertainment capital of the country, encapsulating the essence of modern India. Ceramco Dental Clinic is located in Borivali West. One of the most prominent attractions in Borivali is the Sanjay Gandhi National Park, popularly known as the Borivali National Park.

Nearby Landmarks and Attractions

One of the most populous cities in the world, Mumbai is a melting pot of cultures, languages, and traditions. From the iconic Gateway of India to the sprawling Marine Drive, the cityscape is a blend of colonial architecture, towering skyscrapers, and crowded marketplaces. We recommend visiting the Sanjay Gandhi National Park Mumbai's street food is legendary, offering a culinary adventure with delights like pav bhaji, vada pav, and bhel puri. The city's culinary scene also boasts a rich variety of regional and international cuisines, reflecting its cosmopolitan nature.

Airport and Transportation

Ceramco Dental Clinic is conveniently located 18 km, away from the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport. Car services can be found at the airport.

Booking Information

If you want good and safe dental care, Ceramco Dental Clinic provides it to you. To book an appointment, just make an inquiry, and our patient managers will help and guide you in your dental journey. It’s free, simple and easy!




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npr. Vađenje zuba

Svih 7 tretmana

  • €123

    Garantovano Najpovoljnija Ponuda

    Osnova krunice je napravljena od metalne legure koja je u potpunosti obložena keramikom tako da se metalni deo ne vidi. Metali koji se koriste za izradu metalokeramičkih krunica su legure zlata, legure drugih metala (npr. titanijum...) ili legure sa čeličnom bazom (npr. nikl ili hrom). Glavna prednost metalokeramičkih krunica je u tome što metal u podlozi daje izrazitu čvrstoću. Takođe, zbog svoje snage i konzistencije, često se koriste za pokrivanje premolara i kutnjaka gde su prisutne jake mastikacione sile.

  • €247

    Garantovano Najpovoljnija Ponuda

    Cirkon je najnoviji materijal visokog kvaliteta koji se koristi za izradu krunica i mostova. Cirkon-keramičke krunice i mostovi odlikuju se biokompatibilnošću i preciznošću, uz očuvanje prirodne estetike zuba. Pošto je mehanička otpornost već postignuta sa debljinom od 0,4 m, potrebno je manje brušenja prirodnog zuba pre postavljanja krunice. Kako se cirkon-keramičke krunice izrađuju veoma precizno, čišćenje je olakšano, a iritacija desni je smanjena (zbog mogućnosti visokog poliranja i preciznosti pristupa krunici). Prednost ovih krunica je nemogućnost pojave takozvane „crne ivice“ usled povlačenja desni jer u konstrukciji nema metala.

  • €247

    Garantovano Najpovoljnija Ponuda

    Keramičke ljuspice ili fasete su jedno od najčešćih rešenja u savremenoj estetskoj stomatologiji za postizanje savršenog belog osmeha. To su tanke providne porcelanske pločice koje se lepe za prednju površinu zuba i mogu se koristiti za ispravljanje mnogih nepravilnosti poput oblika, veličine, položaja i boje zuba. Ako želite da vratite samopouzdanje i lep osmeh, vaga je idealno rešenje za postizanje harmonično oblikovanih zuba i briljantno belog osmeha.

  • €617

    Garantovano Najpovoljnija Ponuda

    Dentalni implantat je hirurška komponenta koja se pričvršćuje za kost vilice i podržava stomatološke radove kao što su krunice, mostovi, proteze i ima ulogu ortodontskog sidra. Osnova modernih zubnih implantata je biološki proces koji se naziva oseointegracija gde se materijali, kao što je titanijum, čvrsto prijanjaju za kost. Prvo se postavlja implantat, a zatim drugi stomatološki radovi (krunski most...). Most, krunica ili proteza se pričvršćuju na implantat.

  • €62

    Garantovano Najpovoljnija Ponuda

    Estetske (bele) kompozitne plombe su idealne u rešenju ako želite da postignete potpuno prirodan izgled zuba nakon oštećenja karijesa. Koriste se u slučajevima kada nije potrebna velika restauracija zubnog tkiva, a izrađuju se u ordinaciji u jednoj poseti.

  • €617

    Garantovano Najpovoljnija Ponuda

    Totalna proteza se izrađuje posebno za gornju i donju vilicu u situacijama kada su svi prirodni zubi izgubljeni u jednoj od vilica. Kompletne proteze se sastoje od baze na koju se postavljaju zubi. Podloga je napravljena od roze akrilata, koji se stapa sa bojom sluzokože i tako podržava celokupni estetski rad. Svrha baze je da raspodeli sile žvakanja koje nastaju pri žvakanju na sluznicu i koštanu podlogu. Kako sama sluznica ne može da izdrži velika opterećenja, važno je da podloga bude što šira kako bi se mastikacione sile rasporedile na što veću površinu i tako postigao bezbedniji i prijatniji zagriz. Gornja osnova pokriva celo nepce, a donja ima oblik potkovice, ostavljajući slobodan prostor za jezik. Kompletnu protezu treba skidati i prati i dezinfikovati najmanje jednom dnevno odgovarajućim sredstvima, a preporučuje se pranje posle svakog obroka i pre spavanja.

  • €185

    Garantovano Najpovoljnija Ponuda

    Zoom WhiteSpeed je inovativna i efikasna profesionalna kompozicija za izbeljivanje zuba. Lampa za zumiranje emituje optimalne nivoe svetlosti sa mnogo većim intenzitetom. Svetlost aktivira fotokatalizator unutar Zoom Chairside Gela koji ubrzava i poboljšava rezultate beljenja i pruža odlične rezultate. Zoom beljenje zuba je savršen način da vratite prirodnu belinu zuba.

Prikazivanje 1-7 od 7

Vaši doktori




    Dr. Uday Tamhankar completed his BDS from Government Dental college Mumbai in 1983 and has been focusing on his private practice ever since, which is one of the first ISO certified dental clinics in India. He has also done his further education in Dental Implants, Cosmetic Dentistry and Complete Oral Rehabilitation from the highly esteemed NYU AND TUFTS universities in 1995. There is a certain higher driving force behind Dr. Uday Tamhankar that compels him to be both the Chief dentist at his practice and an exceptional family man at home. You will see Dr. Uday constantly on his toes sprinting from one end of his clinic to the other at all odd hours ensuring a constant flow of perfection. As such with this God given grace, he has been able to convert his tiny single chair clinic into a fully-fledged 17 chair multispecialty dental practice, that boasts of successfully performing every Dental treatment under one roof, along with the latest’s in Dental technology and at affordable rates. His meticulous attention to the finer details of his practice overflows to his patients, to whom he devotes all of his time, patience, care and respect. With his warm and compassionate nature he has been able to convert all of the Staff, Dentists and Patients into one big family at Ceramco Dental Clinic. Apart from enjoying the constant buzz at his family based clinic, he approaches his daily life with the same fervor. He eagerly anticipates his early morning brisk walks, tennis with friends and fun role playing at home with his kids, a passion which stems from his early days as a Marathi benefits of anavar movie producer, one of which won the National award for best movie of the year. Dr. Uday Tamhankar is the top dentist to go to for any Dental queries, treatments or just to have someone with a compassionate listening ear.




    Dr Monali Tamhankar a Super Woman by definition, successfully does the fine balancing act of being a devoted mom to her kids and a leading specialists in her field of dentistry. She is one of the top Endodontists of Mumbai who has also specialized in Cosmetic dentistry and Mini Implants from the university of Leeds, UK. Dr. Monali with her enigmatic and energetic personality is a constant driving force for all the Staff and Dentists whom she shelters under her wings, constantly being a guiding light for them. Which is why Ceramco Dental Clinic is at the pinnacle of success. If it were not for her children whom she deeply adores, Dr. Monali would have spent her every waking moment at Ceramco Dental Clinic with her patients, out of pure love for her profession. She pours her heart out in her work and devotes all her time and energy making sure each and every patient is cared for and receives only the best dental treatment available for them. A wanderlust traveler by heart, a fitness guru for a program initiated by her called MOM to WOW for new moms and moms to be, the winner of the MWI International beauty pageant for married professionals, the Saffron India beauty pageant Queen and the 2018 mascot and winner at Pinkathon for the 3km run in Mumbai. You could say that Dr. Monali truly values and loves her life with a certain kind of passion so much so that she is instrumental as a role model for many individuals.

Fotografije pre i posle




Često postavljana pitanja

How do I get to Ceramco Dental Clinic?

To get to Ceramco Dental Clinic in Mumbai, fly into Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport (BOM). From the airport, you can take a taxi, ride-sharing service, or public transport to the clinic's location. The clinic is centrally situated, so using GPS or a map will help you find it easily. For specific directions, contacting the clinic directly can also be helpful.

How long do I need to wait before I start treatment at Ceramco Dental Clinic?

The wait time before starting treatment at Ceramco Dental Clinic in Mumbai can vary depending on the clinic's schedule and the specific treatment required. Generally, it’s best to book an appointment in advance. The clinic staff can provide a more accurate estimate of the wait time based on their current availability and your treatment needs.

What kind of implants are available at Ceramco Dental Clinic?

Ceramco Dental Clinic in Mumbai offers a range of implant options, including traditional titanium implants, zirconia (ceramic) implants, and advanced techniques like All-on-4. They provide solutions for single-tooth implants, multiple-tooth replacements, and full-arch restorations, using high-quality materials and cutting-edge technology to ensure effective and long-lasting results.

What amenities are available at Ceramco Dental Clinic?

The amenities available at Ceramco Dental Clinic are:

  • Implantology

  • No waiting period

  • Prosthetic

  • Orthodontics

What treatments does Ceramco Dental Clinic provide?

Ceramco Dental Clinic offers a variety of popular dental treatments, including:

  • Dental Implants

  • Prosthetic

  • Veneers

  • Complete dentures

  • Zoom teeth whitening

How much is all on four at Ceramco Dental Clinic?

The cost of an All-on-4 dental implant procedure at Ceramco Dental Clinic in Mumbai is typically 50-70% less than in the UK. This significant cost reduction makes the clinic an attractive option for those seeking affordable, high-quality dental care.

Are dental treatments cheap at Ceramco Dental Clinic?

Yes, dental treatments at Ceramco Dental Clinic in Mumbai are generally 50-70% cheaper compared to the UK. This significant cost savings makes the clinic an attractive option for high-quality dental care at a more affordable price.

Is Ceramco Dental Clinic safe?

Yes, Ceramco Dental Clinic in Mumbai is considered safe. The clinic adheres to strict hygiene and infection control standards, using advanced technology and following best practices in patient care. With experienced dental professionals and a commitment to maintaining high-quality service, Ceramco Dental Clinic prioritizes patient safety and comfort.


Ratnackar Saawant


Ratnackar Saawant

It's great to visit my childhood doctors clinic with excellent upgraded technology. Thanks for your 365 days 24 X 7 service.

Animesh Kundu


Animesh Kundu

Impressed by the efficiency and care at Ceramco. I live in the UK, and needed urgent dental care while in Mumbai, Ceramco was a lifesaver. Their 24/7 availability and all specialities under one roof ensured I received prompt treatment for my cavity, gum inflammation (requiring deep scaling), and bridge within a week. The team was professional and accommodating, making the entire experience surprisingly stress-free. Highly recommend!

Jaya Jathan


Jaya Jathan

I visited Ceramco Dental Clinic preferably after 3 years and was totally amazed by the latest technology and hygiene of the Clinic. I was personally consulted by Dr. Uday Tamhankar and the treatment suggested by him sincerely would have taken time but to my surprise the treatment was done within 2 weeks without any hassles by using intraoral scanning, where they have taken the measurement of cap which was manufactured in their own labs. I would sincerely advise all the NRI patients to visit the clinic to get their treatment done quickly since the clinic is opened to everyone 24/7. ‘Get your treatment done anytime, any hour and any second’ which shows the dedication and diligence of the staff. Last but not the least, the doctors and staff are very cordial, friendly and accommodative.

Jignesh Patel


Jignesh Patel

Went here recently for teeth cleaning and filling. Also underwent teeth bleaching in single sitting which resulted in my teeth getting 2 shades brighter. Had extremely great experience and no pain at all. I had visited this place before the pandemic as well for my root canal. Even my parents have been regular patients at this clinic.

Vanita Dsouza


Vanita Dsouza

The root canal and filling was done well, using the latest technology. Overall the staff were very courteous and helpful. Our entire family has been coming here for the last 15 years... Love the way they treat their patients

Prikazivanje 1-5 od 5

Ceramco Dental Clinic

4.8/5(5 recenzija)