Cancun, Mehika
npr. Puljenje zoba


5/5(6 komentarjev)

Plaza Kun 21°86°, Local 303, Av. Bonampak, Lote 4C, SM 4A, MZ1, Cancún

Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

Welcome to the Clinic

YeahSmile is a private multi-specialty medical center in Cancun, Mexico. YeahSmile manages an in-house lab to craft each component of the patient's new smile, ensuring the highest quality at every stage. All treatments and procedures come with a five-year guarantee.


The clinic offers a range of services, including Implantology, All on 4/6 procedures, Proaesthetic, Hollywood Smile, Total makeover, Orthodontics, Oral surgeries, General dentistry, Endodontics, Aligners and much more.

Special Amenities

Everything in One Place

The clinic is well-prepared to provide complete dental care for patients coming from abroad. The X-ray, and much more, can be done at the clinic. For a more comprehensive view of amenities check out the list below the clinic description.

Workmanship Guarantee

This clinic provides a guarantee for the treatments administered during stay. For a more comprehensive view of amenities check out the list below the clinic description.


At this clinic, communication is supported in English, Spanish, Portuguese.


This clinic is located in Cancun.

Nearby Landmarks and Attractions

Mexico is a large country with a rich history, vibrant culture, and countless attractions for your enjoyment. We recommend visiting the El Rey Ruins. You can also visit other attractions such as La Isla or the Playa Delfinas.

Airport and Transportation

The clinic is conveniently located just 19 km away from the Cancún International Airport. This clinic provides transportation, be sure to learn more about this service.

Booking Information

Take control of your health journey by easily booking an appointment. Just make an inquiry; our patient managers will help and guide you in your dental journey. It’s free, simple and easy!

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Brezplačna ponudba

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Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

Če najdete boljšo ceno neposredno v zobozdravstveni kliniki ali na drugem spletnem mestu, jo bomo izenačili ali presegli

Podpora Patient Managerjev

Izkoristite brezplačno vodenje naše strokovne ekipe, ki vam bo pomagala pri prilagojeni negi

Znižane cene

Na voljo izključno ob rezervaciji preko Booking.dentist

Brezplačni prvi pregled

Uživajte v prvem brezplačnem posvetu, ki je na voljo v večini naših klinik.

npr. Puljenje zoba

Vseh 27 tretmajev

    • Workmanship warranty
    • Own laboratory
    • Specialist for All on 4/6
    • Specialist for Hollywood smile

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    Cirkon je najnovejši visokokakovosten material, ki se uporablja za izdelavo kron in mostičkov. Cirkon-keramične krone in mostičke odlikuje biokompatibilnost in natančnost, hkrati pa ohranja naravno estetiko zob. Ker je mehanska odpornost dosežena že pri debelini 0,4 m, je potrebno manjše brušenje naravnega zoba pred namestitvijo krone. Ker so cirkon-keramične krone izdelane zelo natančno, je čiščenje olajšano, draženje dlesni pa zmanjšano (zaradi možnosti visokega poliranja in natančnosti dostopa do krone). Prednost teh kron je nezmožnost pojava tako imenovanega ‘črnega roba’ zaradi retrakcije dlesni, ker v konstrukciji ni kovine.

    • Workmanship warranty
    • Own laboratory
    • Specialist for All on 4/6
    • Specialist for Hollywood smile

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    Keramične luske ali luske so ena najpogostejših rešitev v sodobnem estetskem zobozdravstvu za doseganje popolno belega nasmeha. To so tanki prozorni porcelanasti lističi, ki se prilepijo na sprednjo površino zoba in z njimi lahko popravimo številne nepravilnosti, kot so oblika, velikost, položaj in barva zoba. Če želite povrniti samozavest in lep nasmeh, so luske idealna rešitev za doseganje skladno oblikovanih zob in bleščečega belega nasmeha.

    • Workmanship warranty
    • Own laboratory
    • Specialist for All on 4/6
    • Specialist for Hollywood smile

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    All on 4 je revolucionaren postopek, ki se v svetu uporablja že 35 let. All on 4 omogoča pacientu, da obnovi vse zobe ene čeljusti z enim zobnim vsadkom v enem dnevu! Postopek All on 4 velja za eno najpomembnejših odkritij v zobozdravstvu z vsadki iz dveh razlogov: 1. Skoraj vsi so kandidati za poseg All on 4, ne glede na izgubo kostne mase. 2. Popravljeni zobje še isti dan. Skoraj vsi pacienti dobijo določeno začasno delo v 24 urah po vgradnji vsadka! Štirje vsadki so nameščeni tako, da so žvečilne sile enakomerno porazdeljene po mostičku in po mostičku do vsadkov, zelo podobno kot sistem, na katerem deluje stol, na katerem trenutno sedite med branjem tega teksta! Ta nastavitev implantata vam omogoča, da implantate takoj zaženete (obremenitev) s fiksnim začasnim mostom! Pacient lahko že v 24 urah po vstavitvi implantata normalno jede in se smeji! Po 3 do 4 mesecih je pacient dobil stalne akrilatne zobe.

    • Workmanship warranty
    • Own laboratory
    • Specialist for All on 4/6
    • Specialist for Hollywood smile

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    Postopek ALL-ON-6 traja le nekaj ur. Morda se zdi nemogoče, a ta svetovna tehnološka uspešnica pacientom omogoča, da že v nekaj urah dobijo nove zobe in popoln popoln nasmeh. Takoj po posegu je pacient prejel začasno protetično rešitev, končna izdelava pa je narejena po 3 mesecih. Po 3 do 4 mesecih je pacient dobil stalne akrilatne zobe. ALL ON 6 je dolgotrajna, mehansko boljša in stabilnejša rešitev v primerjavi z ALL ON 4.

    • Workmanship warranty
    • Own laboratory
    • Specialist for All on 4/6
    • Specialist for Hollywood smile

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    Zobni vsadek je kirurška komponenta, ki se pritrdi na čeljustno kost in podpira zobozdravstvena dela, kot so krone, mostički, proteze in ima vlogo ortodontskega sidra. Osnova sodobnih zobnih vsadkov je biološki proces, imenovan oseointegracija, kjer se materiali, kot je titan, tesno oprimejo kosti. Najprej se pritrdi implantat, nato pa sledijo ostali zobozdravstveni posegi (kronski mostiček ...). Na implantat se pritrdi mostiček, krona ali proteza.

    • Workmanship warranty
    • Own laboratory
    • Specialist for All on 4/6
    • Specialist for Hollywood smile

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    Straumann je vodilno švicarsko podjetje v proizvodnji vsadkov in osteogenetskih nadomestkov na svetu. Linija izdelkov je sestavljena iz vrhunske zobne protetike, kot so zobni vsadki, zobne krone in mostički, ter protetičnih podaljškov (suprastruktur), ki povezujejo nov zob z vsadkom.

    • Workmanship warranty
    • Own laboratory
    • Specialist for All on 4/6
    • Specialist for Hollywood smile

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    Estetske (bele) kompozitne zalivke so idealne rešitve, če želite doseči popolnoma naraven videz zob po poškodbi kariesa. Uporabljajo se v primerih, ko ni potrebna velika obnova zobnega tkiva in se izdelajo v ordinaciji v enem obisku.

    • Workmanship warranty
    • Own laboratory
    • Specialist for All on 4/6
    • Specialist for Hollywood smile

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    All on 4 je revolucionaren postopek, ki se v svetu uporablja že 35 let. All on 4 omogoča pacientu, da obnovi vse zobe ene čeljusti z enim zobnim vsadkom v enem dnevu! Postopek All on 4 velja za eno najpomembnejših odkritij v zobozdravstvu z vsadki iz dveh razlogov:1. Skoraj vsi so kandidati za postopek all on 4, ne glede na izgubo kostne mase.2. Popravljeni zobje še isti dan. Skoraj vsi pacienti prejmejo fiksno začasno delo v 24 urah po namestitvi vsadka! Štirje vsadki so nameščeni tako, da so sile žvečenja enakomerno porazdeljene po mostu in po mostu do vsadkov, kar je zelo podobno sistemu, na katerem sedite na stolu. trenutno sedim med branjem tega besedila deluje! Ta nastavitev implantata vam omogoča, da implantate takoj zaženete (obremenitev) s fiksnim začasnim mostom! Pacient lahko že v 24 urah po vstavitvi implantata normalno jede in se smeji! Po 3 do 4 mesecih je pacient dobil stalne keramične zobe.

Prikazovanje 1-8 od 27

Vaši zobozdravniki

  • Dr. Andy Gerardo Jimenez

    Dr. Andy Gerardo Jimenez Lopez

    Specialist in Conservative and Surgical Dentistry

    Dr. Andy Gerardo Jimenez Lopez is a dedicated and accomplished dentist with conservative and surgical dentistry expertise. Known for his commitment to patient care and professional excellence, Dr. Jimenez integrates advanced techniques, innovative materials, and a personalized approach to deliver exceptional results for his patients.

    Dr. Jimenez earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry from Universidad del Sur, where he demonstrated academic excellence and a passion for research. His thesis, “Prevalence of Supernumerary Teeth in the Quintana Roo Population,” was unanimously approved and recognized for its originality. He further contributed to dental science with his study on “Apexification Using Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA),” which was showcased at the Cancun 2024 Local Research Poster Exhibition.

    Throughout his career, Dr. Jimenez has gained significant experience assisting high-level specialists in areas such as endodontics, periodontics, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, and cosmetic dentistry. He has excelled in patient care by providing specialized assistance during complex procedures, managing dental supplies, and educating patients on treatment plans.

    Currently, Dr. Jimenez is part of the expert team at YeahSmile Cancun, where he focuses on comprehensive dental care. His role includes supporting specialists in advanced procedures, ensuring precise patient record management, and continuously updating his skills through ongoing training in the latest dental technologies.

    Dr. Jimenez is committed to lifelong learning and has participated in events like the Ivoclar Vivadent Symposium 2024, staying at the forefront of cutting-edge dental materials and techniques. His bilingual proficiency in Spanish and English ensures effective communication with a diverse patient base.

    With a focus on innovation, compassion, and excellence, Dr. Andy Gerardo Jimenez Lopez is dedicated to providing personalized dental solutions that enhance oral health and patient satisfaction. His blend of expertise and dedication makes him a trusted professional in conservative and surgical dentistry.

  • Dr. Enrique Aguilar

    Dr. Enrique Aguilar Romero

    Specialist in Anesthesiology and Advanced Patient Care

    Dr. Enrique Aguilar Romero is a highly experienced anesthesiologist with over 15 years of expertise in advanced anesthetic techniques and life support. Known for his meticulous attention to detail and compassionate approach, Dr. Aguilar specializes in perioperative management, ensuring patient safety and comfort during complex procedures. His dedication to excellence and patient-centered care defines his practice.

    Dr. Aguilar earned his Medical Surgeon degree from the Universidad Panamericana in 2005 and completed his specialization in Anesthesiology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Hospital Español de México, in 2009. He is certified by the Mexican Board of Anesthesiology and holds a diploma in Thanatology with a Gestalt and Humanistic Approach, enhancing his ability to provide empathetic, holistic care.

    Currently, Dr. Aguilar serves as the lead anesthesiologist at YeahSmile Cancun, where he administers anesthesia for advanced dental procedures, including implant placements and maxillary sinus lifts. His role involves comprehensive preoperative evaluations, customized anesthetic strategies, and meticulous intraoperative monitoring to ensure optimal patient outcomes. Dr. Aguilar also implements effective postoperative recovery protocols for a seamless transition following surgery.

    In addition to his clinical expertise, Dr. Aguilar is committed to professional growth. He has completed certifications in Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) and Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) and contributed to the field with published research on perioperative fluid management. Fluent in Spanish and English, he excels in clear communication with both patients and multidisciplinary teams.

    Dr. Aguilar’s passion for advancing anesthesiology and dedication to improving patient care make him a trusted professional at YeahSmile Cancun, where he helps ensure every procedure is conducted with safety, precision, and care.

  • Dr. Fanny Martínez

    Dr. Fanny Martínez López

    Specialist in Aesthetic and Comprehensive Dentistry

    Dr. Fanny Martínez López is a highly accomplished dental surgeon with over five years of experience specializing in aesthetic and rehabilitative dentistry. She combines advanced technology, precision techniques, and personalized care to restore oral health and enhance smiles. Her expertise includes minimally invasive treatments and comprehensive oral rehabilitation, prioritizing patient comfort and satisfaction.

    Dr. Martínez earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Dental Surgery from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She further specialized with a Diploma in Prosthetics and Advanced Aesthetics from IAOP and has participated in over 10 editions of the Amic Dental Congress. These credentials reflect her dedication to mastering cutting-edge dental techniques and staying at the forefront of advancements in the field.

    Throughout her career, Dr. Martínez has gained extensive experience in aesthetic rehabilitation, implant restoration, and preventative care. Her work spans a wide range of treatments, from general dentistry to advanced procedures like teeth whitening, endodontics, and periodontal infection control. She is also adept at managing dental anxiety, ensuring a comfortable and positive experience for her patients.

    Currently, Dr. Martínez is a valued team member at a high-standard dental clinic, where she specializes in aesthetic and rehabilitative dentistry. In this role, she develops personalized treatment plans tailored to her patient’s needs, combining innovative techniques with a patient-centered approach.

    In addition to her clinical practice, Dr. Martínez is a dedicated volunteer and an active member of the Mexican Dental Association Foundation. For five years, she participated in brigades offering preventive and rehabilitative treatments to underserved communities, demonstrating her commitment to improving oral health beyond the clinic.

    Dr. Martínez's multilingual proficiency in Spanish and English ensures clear communication with her diverse patient base. Her passion for excellence, lifelong learning, and delivering exceptional care make her a trusted professional in aesthetic and comprehensive dentistry.

  • Dr. Francisco Javier Sainz

    Dr. Francisco Javier Sainz Hernández

    Specialist in Internal Medicine and Patient Care

    Dr. Francisco Javier Sainz Hernández is an accomplished internist with over 15 years of experience specializing in comprehensive patient care, intensive care, and chronic disease management. Known for his precision in diagnostics and patient-centered approach, Dr. Sainz excels in developing tailored treatment plans that ensure optimal health outcomes.

    Dr. Sainz earned his Medical Surgeon and Obstetrician degree from the University of Guadalajara in 2004 and completed his residency in Internal Medicine at Hospital Civil “Dr. Juan I. Menchaca” in 2010. He holds a certification from the Mexican Board of Internal Medicine, valid until 2025, and has further advanced his expertise with a diploma in Hospital Administration and Health Services from Instituto Politécnico Nacional.

    Currently, Dr. Sainz serves as an internist at YeahSmile Cancun, where he conducts thorough preoperative evaluations for patients undergoing dental procedures, ensuring their safety and well-being. His role involves collaborating with dentists and specialists to coordinate care and monitor patients' health before, during, and after procedures.

    In addition to his work at YeahSmile, Dr. Sainz has held leadership roles in prominent healthcare institutions, including serving as General Director at Hospital Medica Cancun and Medical Deputy Director at Hope4Cancer Cancun. His extensive experience in intensive care units and hospital operations underscores his ability to lead multidisciplinary teams and implement high-quality medical protocols.

    Fluent in Spanish, English, and intermediate Italian, Dr. Sainz fosters effective communication with diverse patient populations. His dedication to continuous learning, excellence in patient care, and commitment to advancing internal medicine make him a trusted expert in his field. At YeahSmile Cancun, Dr. Sainz plays a vital role in ensuring safe and seamless medical experiences for all patients.

  • Dr. José Xavier Peña

    Dr. José Xavier Peña Peniche

    Specialist in Periodontics and Implantology

    Dr. José Xavier Peña Peniche is a highly accomplished periodontist and implantologist with over 12 years of experience in the field. He is dedicated to restoring and maintaining optimal oral health, combining precision techniques and personalized care to deliver exceptional outcomes. His expertise includes advanced periodontal treatments, resective and aesthetic surgeries, and the use of innovative technologies to enhance patient care.

    Dr. Peña earned his Dental Surgeon Degree from Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán in 2008. He further specialized in Periodontics at the same institution in 2012 and completed a Diploma in Oral Implantology at Universidad Anáhuac Mayab in 2016. He has also received advanced training in vertical and horizontal regeneration techniques through continuous education programs.

    Throughout his career, Dr. Peña has remained committed to continuous learning and professional development. His passion for excellence is reflected in his membership in prestigious organizations, including the Mexican Society of Periodontology, the International Team for Implantology (ITI), and the Mexican Society of Digital Dentistry and New Technologies, where he is a founding partner.

    Dr. Peña is a proud member of the expert team at YeahSmile Cancun, where he provides comprehensive care tailored to each patient’s needs. Using state-of-the-art surgical and non-surgical methods, he specializes in creating personalized treatment plans to achieve optimal outcomes and patient satisfaction.

    Fluent in Spanish and English, Dr. Peña ensures effective communication with a diverse patient base. His dedication to patient comfort, precision, and continuous advancement in his field have made him a trusted professional in dentistry. With a focus on transforming smiles and improving lives, Dr. Peña combines innovation and compassion to create lasting results for his patients.

  • Dr. Miller Vieira

    Dr. Miller Vieira Paula

    CEO and Medical Director at YeahSmile

    Dr. Miller Vieira Paula is a highly accomplished implantologist, dental ceramist, and expert in functional and aesthetic dentistry with over 20 years of experience. He has successfully performed more than 25,000 dental procedures, combining art and science to deliver optimal dental health and transformative smiles.

    Dr. Vieira earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S.) degree from Universidad Metodista de São Paulo in 2005. He further specialized with a Master’s Degree in Dentistry from the University of Guarulhos, São Paulo, in 2010 and a Postgraduate Program in Dental Aesthetics at Senac São Paulo in 2007. In addition, he holds advanced certifications in surgical dental implantology, high aesthetic ceramics, and Digital Smile Design (DSD). His qualifications are complemented by an MBA in International Business from FGV in 2017.

    Dr. Vieira has gained significant international experience through training, teaching, and practice in countries such as Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Morocco, Brazil, and Mexico. This exposure has allowed him to stay at the forefront of advanced dental technologies and techniques, ensuring exceptional outcomes for his patients.

    Currently, Dr. Vieira serves as the CEO and Medical Director at YeahSmile, a leading dental clinic in Cancun, Mexico. In this role, he oversees strategic operations, leads a team of specialists, and promotes the adoption of innovative practices to enhance patient care and clinic efficiency. 

    Dr. Vieira’s contributions extend beyond clinical practice; he is a Key Opinion Leader for Ivoclar Vivadent and an active member of esteemed organizations, including the American Dental Association (ADA) and the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD). His multilingual proficiency in English, Spanish, and Portuguese ensures effective communication with a diverse patient base.

    With a passion for excellence, continuous learning, and patient-centered care, Dr. Vieira has established himself as a trusted name in global dentistry, delivering tailored treatments and life-changing results.

  • Dr. Adriana Pamela Traconis

    Dr. Adriana Pamela Traconis Martínez

    Specialist in Orthodontics and Cosmetic Dentistry

    Dr. Adriana Pamela Traconis Martínez is a highly experienced orthodontist with over 14 years of expertise in cosmetic dentistry. She specializes in the latest orthodontic techniques and technologies, including invisible aligners, providing tailored treatment plans that enhance oral health and aesthetics. Her dedication to patient care and continuous professional development ensures exceptional results for every smile she transforms.

    Dr. Traconis earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in 2010. She further specialized in orthodontics at the Center for Orthodontic Studies and Research (CEIO), where she mastered advanced orthodontic techniques. Her academic journey reflects a strong commitment to excellence and lifelong learning.

    Throughout her career, Dr. Traconis has gained diverse professional experience, working with leading clinics and organizations, including YeahSmile Cancun. As an orthodontic specialist, she evaluates, diagnoses, and treats dental misalignments using cutting-edge solutions like clear aligners. Her patient-centered approach focuses on achieving both functional and aesthetic results.

    Dr. Traconis is also committed to professional growth, having completed numerous advanced courses and diplomas in orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, oral surgery, and TMJ disorders. She has participated in international seminars to stay at the forefront of modern orthodontic practices, ensuring her patients benefit from the latest innovations.

    Fluent in Spanish and English, Dr. Traconis excels in clear communication, fostering trust and comfort among her patients. Her expertise, passion for orthodontics, and dedication to patient satisfaction have established her as a trusted name in cosmetic and orthodontic dentistry. Dr. Traconis is proud to be part of the expert team at YeahSmile Cancun, transforming smiles and enhancing lives with precision and care.

  • Dr. Dana Fabiola Pinto

    Dr. Dana Fabiola Pinto Monserrate

    Periodontics and Implantology Specialist

    Dr. Dana Fabiola Pinto Monserrate is a dedicated and accomplished specialist in periodontics and implantology, with over seven years of experience in advanced dental care. She combines technical expertise and the latest technologies to provide patients with transformative results, restoring oral health, aesthetics, and confidence.

    Dr. Pinto earned her Bachelor’s Degree in General Dentistry from the University of Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela, in 2016. She then pursued specialized training, completing her Master’s Degree in Dental Sciences in 2017 and a Specialization in Periodontics in 2016 at Universidad Latinoamericana Campus Valle in Mexico. In 2021, she further advanced her skills with a Diploma in Oral Implantology from the Centro de Formación Profesional en Odontología.

    Throughout her career, Dr. Pinto has honed her expertise in advanced periodontal treatments, surgical procedures, and implantology. Her proficiency includes scaling, root planing, bone regeneration, and full-mouth reconstructions. She is committed to ensuring patient comfort and achieving long-term results through personalized care.

    Dr. Pinto's experience spans diverse clinical settings, including leading roles at clinics in Cancun, Guadalajara, and Mexico City. She is currently part of the expert team at YeahSmile in Cancun, Mexico, where she plays a vital role in transforming smiles with state-of-the-art techniques and patient-centered solutions.

    In addition to her clinical work, Dr. Pinto is recognized for her multidisciplinary approach and her ability to effectively communicate and collaborate with her patients and team. Fluent in both Spanish and English, she provides an inclusive and welcoming environment for a diverse patient base.

    Dr. Pinto’s dedication to excellence, continuous learning, and compassionate care makes her an integral part of the YeahSmile team, delivering outstanding outcomes and creating life-changing experiences for her patients.

    Let Dr. Dana Fabiola Pinto Monserrate guide you on your journey to optimal oral health and a confident, radiant smile.

  • Dr. Nealy Canela Ciau

    Dr. Nealy Canela Ciau Najera

    Oral Surgery Specialist

    Dr. Nealy Canela Ciau Najera is a highly skilled endodontics and oral surgery specialist with extensive experience in complex dental procedures. Her approach to patient care is meticulous, ensuring that each case is treated with precision and focusing on patient comfort.

    Dr. Ciau Najera earned her Bachelor's Degree in General Dentistry from Universidad del Sur Cancun in 2018, where she graduated with honors. She completed her specialization in Endodontics at Universidad del Valle de Guerrero.

    In addition to her dental qualifications, Dr. Ciau Najera has a background in medical studies. She was a medical intern at Anahuac Mayab University, where she gained valuable experience in surgery and obstetrics. Furthermore, she has an extensive background in research, having worked with the National Council of Humanities, Sciences, and Technologies (CONACYT) on a project related to cannabinoid derivatives and their effects on the sleep cycle.

    Dr. Ciau Najera’s professional experience spans various roles, including as a specialist in Endodontics at YeahSmile in Cancun, where she has been practicing since 2021. Here, she performs complex root canal treatments, endodontic retreatments, and apical surgeries using advanced techniques such as rotary systems to optimize treatment outcomes.

    Her previous work includes teaching courses in Exodontia and Endo-Perio at the University of the South in Cancun, where she also served as a guest lecturer from 2021 to 2024. 

    Dr. Ciau Najera has continuously pursued professional development through various diplomas and courses, including advanced training in endodontics, pharmacology for dentists, and clinical pharmacology. She has also received certifications from internationally recognized specialists, ensuring that she stays up to date with the latest dental techniques and technologies.

    Dr. Ciau Najera is fluent in Spanish, English, and basic Portuguese, and she is committed to delivering high-quality dental care tailored to her patients’ needs. Her passion for dentistry and ongoing learning make her a trusted professional in the field.

  • Beatriz Pamela Hernandez

    Beatriz Pamela Hernandez Fernandez

    Licensed Nurse and Healthcare Professional

    Beatriz Pamela Hernandez Fernandez is a licensed nurse with a strong background in patient care and healthcare operations. Her dedication to operational excellence, empathy, and teamwork has established her as a vital contributor to high-quality clinical environments. Known for her proactive problem-solving approach, Pamela excels in managing patient care, ensuring seamless workflows, and enhancing the overall patient experience.

    Pamela earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing from Universidad La Salle Cancun in 2022, followed by a year of social service at Regional General Hospital No. 17, IMSS. Her academic foundation and practical experience have provided her with a comprehensive understanding of emergency management, chronic disease care, and surgical assistance, enabling her to deliver exceptional patient outcomes.

    Currently, Pamela serves as a nurse at YeahSmile Cancun, where she supports both clinical and administrative operations. Her role includes managing patient records, assisting in procedures, coordinating care plans, and educating patients about their treatments. She plays an integral part in enhancing the clinic's efficiency while maintaining high standards of care.

    Her professional experience includes nursing roles in leading hospitals such as Hospiten Cancun and IMSS, where she managed medical records, medications, and supplies, assisted in surgical procedures, and provided patient education. Pamela’s multifaceted expertise also includes patient follow-ups, epidemiological studies, and the implementation of healthcare protocols, showcasing her versatility and commitment to professional growth.

    Bilingual in Spanish and English, Pamela is skilled in communicating effectively with diverse patients and healthcare teams. She continuously enhances her expertise through certifications in CPR, infection prevention, and antimicrobial resistance, ensuring she remains at the forefront of healthcare advancements.

    With her focus on innovation, compassion, and collaboration, Beatriz Pamela Hernandez Fernandez exemplifies excellence in nursing, making her a trusted professional dedicated to improving patient care and healthcare outcomes.

  • Sulma Janet Herrera

    Sulma Janet Herrera Palma

    Skilled Dental Assistant and Patient Care Specialist

    Sulma Janet Herrera Palma is a highly experienced dental assistant with a strong commitment to providing exceptional patient care. Her expertise lies in supporting dental and aesthetic procedures, managing clinical materials, and ensuring seamless operations within the dental practice. Known for her professionalism, adaptability, and dedication, Sulma takes pride in making patients feel comfortable and secure.

    Sulma earned her Nursing Technician certification from CECATI 149 in 2002, which provided her with a strong foundation in healthcare practices. She further enhanced her skills with advanced training in English and French at the Institute of Languages of Cancun, specializing in medical terminology.

    Currently, Sulma is a valued team member at YeahSmile Cancun, where she plays a key role in maintaining high standards of care. Her responsibilities include assisting specialists during procedures, managing patient records, coordinating schedules, and ensuring proper sterilization and maintenance of equipment. Sulma is also adept at handling administrative tasks such as managing materials, processing payments, and supporting patients with informed consent and treatment plans.

    Sulma’s career is complemented by her extensive customer service experience at prestigious establishments such as the Ritz-Carlton Cancun and Hard Rock Café Cancun. In these roles, she developed exceptional interpersonal and organizational skills, which she seamlessly integrated into her work as a dental assistant.

    Bilingual in English and Spanish, with additional proficiency in French, Sulma communicates effectively with patients and team members from diverse backgrounds. Her friendly demeanor, attention to detail, and ability to manage multiple tasks make her an integral part of the YeahSmile Cancun team.

    With her focus on professionalism, empathy, and continuous improvement, Sulma Janet Herrera Palma delivers high-quality service, ensuring every patient receives an exceptional experience.

Fotografije prej in potem


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Dodatne koristi


angleški, španski, portugalski

Organiziran prevoz z avtobusom/kombijem

Organiziran prevoz vas popelje iz vašega mesta do klinike in nazaj. Je priročno, varno in enostavno, še posebej, če imate omejeno mobilnost. Upoštevajte, da se pogoji in določila lahko spremenijo, zato nas kontaktirajte, če želite izvedeti več o ugodnosti.

Lasten laboratorij

Klinika ima lasten laboratorij. V ustanovi nudijo vrsto zobne protetike in aparatov po meri pacientov. Klinika daje prednost jasni komunikaciji s tehniki, kar ima za posledico hitrejše ustvarjanje z vrhunsko kakovostjo in prilagajanjem. Dobili boste najboljše prileganje in videz vaših zob.

Ortopan 2D skeniranje v kliniki

Klinika omogoča ortopan 2D skeniranje na kliniki. To je napredna tehnologija skeniranja za izdelavo visokokakovostnih slik vaših ustnih struktur. Intraoralni rentgenski posnetki se osredotočajo na zobe in čeljust, medtem ko panoramski rentgen prikazuje celotna usta in obraz. Postopek je hiter, varen in vključuje majhne doze sevanja ter digitalno tehnologijo. Klinika lahko shrani te slike in jih po potrebi deli s strokovnjaki, s čimer vam zagotovi najboljšo možno oskrbo.

3D skeniranje v kliniki

Klinika omogoča 3D skeniranje na kliniki. 3D skeniranje (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) je način slikanja vaših ust s posebnim aparatom. Vaše zobe, čeljust in druge dele prikazuje v 3D, kar pomeni, da jih lahko vidite iz različnih zornih kotov. To nam pomaga, da pregledamo vaša usta in odpravimo morebitne težave, ki jih imate. Ta vrsta skeniranja je hitrejša, natančnejša in udobnejša od običajnih rentgenskih žarkov, pokaže, kako so oblikovane vaše kosti in korenine, ter vam pomaga bolje načrtovati zdravljenje. 3D-skeniranje uporabljamo samo takrat, ko moramo videti več stvari, kot nam lahko pokaže običajni rentgen.


Klinika ponuja storitev sedacije. Sedacija je način, da se med zobozdravstvenim posegom počutite mirne in sproščene. Zobozdravnik bo na podlagi vašega zdravstvenega stanja in anamneze izbral najboljši način za pomiritev. Ob sebi moraš imeti nekoga, ki lahko skrbi zate. Prav tako morate storiti, kar vam zobozdravnik reče pred in po posegu. Morda boste nekaj časa zaspani ali se vam bo vrtelo, zato ne počnite ničesar težkega ali nevarnega.

Popolna anestezija

Klinika nudi celovito storitev anestezije. Če potrebujete veliko zobozdravniškega dela ali ste nervozni zaradi zobozdravstvenih posegov, ste lahko upravičeni do popolne nezavesti ob uporabi popolne anestezije. Bistveno je vedeti, da je tovrstna anestezija lahko nevarna za vaše srce in dihanje. Dajati ga mora le dobro usposobljen in izkušen zdravstveni delavec v ustrezni zdravstveni ustanovi z vzpostavljenimi postopki za nujne primere. Zelo priporočamo, da vas na pregled spremlja odgovorna oseba, če se odločite za popolno anestezijo. Po posegu se lahko počutite zaspani in imate druge učinke, ki trajajo nekaj časa. Ključnega pomena je, da upoštevate navodila vaše zobozdravstvene ekipe in se izogibate opravilom, ki zahtevajo vašo vso pozornost, dokler vam ni popolnoma bolje

Garancija na izdelavo

Ta klinika zagotavlja garancijo na kakovost zobozdravstvenih posegov. Če se v določenem času po posegu pojavijo težave, jih bomo odpravili brez dodatnih stroškov. Bolniki morajo razumeti pogoje in izbrati kliniko z ugledom in izkušenimi strokovnjaki. Preglejte garancijski dokument in shranite kopijo za referenco.

Brezplačen VIP prevoz

Klinika ponuja brezplačen VIP prevoz za zobozdravstvene turiste, ki iščejo zobozdravstveno oskrbo v tujini, od letališča do nastanitve in nazaj.

Pogosta vprašanja

Katera so najbolj priljubljena zdravljenja za YeahSmile?

Nekatera najbolj priljubljena zdravljenja pri YeahSmile so:
  • Cirkonijeva krona
  • Porcelanski laminati (furnirji)
  • All on 4 (akrilni zobje)

Katere ugodnosti so na voljo pri YeahSmile?

Od YeahSmile lahko pričakujete te ugodnosti:
  • Brezplačen prvi pregled
  • Implantologija
  • Protetika
  • Ortodontija

Kako najdem najboljšo kliniko za svoje zobozdravstveno zdravljenje v tujini?

Če želite poiskati najboljšo kliniko za vaše zobozdravstveno zdravljenje v tujini, lahko uporabite našo platformo za primerjavo različnih klinik na podlagi njihovih cen, mnenj, ocen, storitev, zmogljivosti, lokacij in poverilnic. Lahko se obrnete tudi na naše svetovalce, ki vam lahko pomagajo izbrati najprimernejšo kliniko za vaše potrebe.

Kako se naročim na kliniko v tujini?

Za rezervacijo termina na kliniki v tujini lahko uporabite našo platformo in zahtevate povpraševanje klinike po vaši izbiri. Svoje načrte lahko nastavite tudi z upravitelji strank, ki vam bodo pomagali skozi postopek.


Yeah Smile


Yeah Smile

I'm Mike, a professor at St. Bonaventure, and this is my second amazing experience with Dr. Miller in Cancun. From cutting-edge technology to pain-free dentistry, it's the best care I've ever had. The team is professional, friendly, and kind—and all in paradise. I highly recommend it!

Erika Vargas Callejas


Erika Vargas Callejas

I am amazed at how quickly my aligner treatment has gone. If you are looking to have a more balanced and aesthetic smile at an affordable price, YeahSmile is an excellent option.

Gisselle Gonzalez


Gisselle Gonzalez

La clínica es bellísima, muy limpia, el servicio es de primera, acostumbro hacer mi limpieza dental cada 6 meses y tienen una promoción de pacientes frecuentes y referidos.

cid Reyes


cid Reyes

Excellent facilities and services 💯recommended. …

Sophia Baroni


Sophia Baroni

I had a great experience at YeahSmile! The team was incredibly professional, and their attention to detail was exceptional. I went in for a dental resin, and they made the entire process smooth and comfortable. From the moment I arrived, the staff was welcoming and attentive, ensuring I understood every step of the procedure. I’m very happy with the results and highly recommend YeahSmile for their excellent care and service. Thank you for making my visit such a positive one!

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