Budimpešta, Madžarska
npr. Puljenje zoba


4.6/5(4 komentarji)

Petőfi tér 3, 1052 Budapest, Hungary

Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

Welcome to the Clinic

At Smart-Dent, quality, correct work, conscientiousness, and empathy are of utmost importance. Based on this approach, we treat and help you in case of any dental problem. At this clinic, comprehensive dental treatments are available at an affordable, fair price. The most important thing is to provide the best possible solution to your problem, tailored to your needs and within your financial capabilities.


At Smart-Dent there are several treatments available, some of them include oral surgery, orthodontics, dentures, aesthetic treatment, and radiology. For more treatments check out the treatments section of this page.

Special Amenities

Free First Examination

The first consultation is free. After that, flexible pricing, affordable prices, punctuality, and flexibility await you.

X-ray in the clinic

The digital intraoral and panoramic X-rays required for the treatments are available right at the clinic for your convenience


Communication at this clinic is supported in English.


The Smart-Dent clinic is located in the Budapest downtown, a vibrant yet quiet, part of the V district, in one of the most elegant buildings in the city, near the Danube embankment and the Mariott Hotel. You can easily get to the clinic either by public transport or by car.

Nearby Landmarks and Attractions

There are a lot of local attractions and landmarks scattered all around Budapest, but most of them are close together near the city center, so they are easily accessible from the clinic location. We recommend visiting the Szechenyi Thermal Baths in the city center, or one of the other attractions such as the Parliament, or the National Hungary History Museum.

Airport and Transportation

The clinic is conveniently located just 21.2 km, or 40 minutes, away from the Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport, ensuring a smooth and stress-free journey for patients coming from afar. To reach the clinic from the Airport by public transportation, simply transfer from the airport to the M3 metro line via the 100E bus or a combination of the 200E bus and the M3 metro line.

Booking Information

Smart-Dent has been in the business of healing for over 40 years. From the beginning, they have committed to both their work and patients. Quality, correct work, conscientiousness, and empathy are the cornerstone of the clinic. To book an appointment, just make an inquiry, and our patient managers will help and guide you in your dental journey. It’s free, simple and easy!

Brezplačen prvi pregled




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Brezplačna ponudba

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Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

Če najdete boljšo ceno neposredno v zobozdravstveni kliniki ali na drugem spletnem mestu, jo bomo izenačili ali presegli

Podpora Patient Managerjev

Izkoristite brezplačno vodenje naše strokovne ekipe, ki vam bo pomagala pri prilagojeni negi

Znižane cene

Na voljo izključno ob rezervaciji preko Booking.dentist

Brezplačni prvi pregled

Uživajte v prvem brezplačnem posvetu, ki je na voljo v večini naših klinik.

npr. Puljenje zoba

Vseh 6 tretmajev

  • €165

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    Cirkon je najnovejši visokokakovosten material, ki se uporablja za izdelavo kron in mostičkov. Cirkon-keramične krone in mostičke odlikuje biokompatibilnost in natančnost, hkrati pa ohranja naravno estetiko zob. Ker je mehanska odpornost dosežena že pri debelini 0,4 m, je potrebno manjše brušenje naravnega zoba pred namestitvijo krone. Ker so cirkon-keramične krone izdelane zelo natančno, je čiščenje olajšano, draženje dlesni pa zmanjšano (zaradi možnosti visokega poliranja in natančnosti dostopa do krone). Prednost teh kron je nezmožnost pojava tako imenovanega ‘črnega roba’ zaradi retrakcije dlesni, ker v konstrukciji ni kovine.

  • €50

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    Estetske (bele) kompozitne zalivke so idealne rešitve, če želite doseči popolnoma naraven videz zob po poškodbi kariesa. Uporabljajo se v primerih, ko ni potrebna velika obnova zobnega tkiva in se izdelajo v ordinaciji v enem obisku.

  • €33

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    Izdiranje zoba je oralno-kirurški poseg. Čeprav se sodobno zobozdravstvo v določenih situacijah trudi ohraniti prav vsak zob, se je vseeno treba zateči k puljenju zoba. Pred vsakim puljenjem zoba je potrebno narediti rentgensko slikanje in poskusiti zob endodontsko ozdraviti ter narediti vse, da ostane v čeljusti. Na žalost zoba ni vedno mogoče rešiti in je treba opraviti ekstrakcijo zoba.

  • €330

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    Totalna proteza je izdelana posebej za zgornjo in spodnjo čeljust v situacijah, ko so v eni od čeljusti izgubljeni vsi naravni zobje. Celotna zobna proteza je sestavljena iz baze, na katero so nameščeni zobje. Osnova je iz roza akrilata, ki se zlije z barvo sluznice in tako podpre celotno estetsko delo. Namen podlage je porazdelitev žvečilnih sil, ki nastanejo pri žvečenju na sluznico in kostno podlago. Ker sama sluznica ne prenese večjih obremenitev, je pomembno, da je podlaga čim širša, da se žvečne sile porazdelijo na čim večjo površino in tako dosežemo varnejši in prijetnejši ugriz. Zgornja osnova pokriva celotno nebo, spodnja osnova pa ima obliko podkve, ki pušča prost prostor za jezik. Celotno protezo je treba odstraniti in vsaj enkrat dnevno oprati in razkužiti z ustreznimi sredstvi, priporočljivo pa je, da jo umijete po vsakem obroku in pred spanjem.

  • €50

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    Čiščenje kamnov in peskanje sta neinvazivna, popolnoma varna in neboleča postopka čiščenja zob in vzdrževanja ustne higiene, ki pripomoreta k lepšemu in bolj zdravemu nasmehu

  • €22

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    Endodontija enokoreninskega zoba (ekstrakcija živca, aplikacija zdravila, polnitev kanala)

Prikazovanje 1-6 od 6

Vaši zobozdravniki



    Specialist in conservative dentistry and prosthodontics

    Dear existing and future patients!

    I am Dr. Valéria Tóth, the founder and chief dentist of SmartDent. I have nearly 40 years of work and professional experience behind me, with which I try to provide my patients with unique and perfect solutions to their dental problems every day. I consider myself a sensitive and empathetic person, and perhaps it is precisely because of this that we were able to build a close relationship with many of them.

    During my work, the most important thing has always been your loyalty, which I achieved with high-quality treatments, a flexible attitude and a high-quality clinic, even in Budapest. I am proud of the fact that I perform such high-quality treatments, both functionally and aesthetically, that provide a lifelong solution for the majority of my patients.

  • DR. DÓRA


    Specialist in orthodontics

    I was attracted to dentistry from an early age, so it was no surprise that I followed in my mother's footsteps. Even during my university years, orthodontics was the closest thing to me, today I only deal with it. I am happy to treat both children and adults. I find that my patients especially like my patient and friendly personality.



    Dentoalveolar surgery specialist

    I come from a family of dentists from Zalaegerszeg, and I was already sure that I would choose this career as a child. I have been working in Budapest for almost ten years, previously I practiced as a dentist at the Honvéd Hospital and the Police. My main field of expertise is oral surgery, for which I think that my particularly well-considered and calm personality fits very well.

Kaj obsega postopek zdravljenja?

All inclusive paket prilagojen potrebam pacienta: (ponedeljek - petek)

Ambulanta v sodelovanju z Booking.dentist zagotavlja all inclusive paket, v katerem je organizirano celotno potovanje s specialističnim pregledom. Za vas je narejena kakovostna ponudba. Tako dobite optimalen in popolnoma pregleden načrt zdravljenja, tudi če v vašem mestu še niste opravili rentgenskega slikanja zob.

Paket all inclusive prilagojen potrebam pacienta vključuje:

- prevoz letališče - namestitev

- namestitev v bližini klinike

- pregled pri specialistu

- izdelava načrta terapije

- prevoz namestitev - letališče

Načrt potovanja:

1. dan – Prihod

  • Prihod na letališče.

  • Namestitev v bližini klinike.

2. dan - Pregled in rentgensko slikanje zob

  • Pregled pri specialistu ob dogovorjenem času.

  • Razvoj načrta zdravljenja in razjasnitev postopka.

  • Možen vstop v terapijo.

  • Prosti čas (ogledi).

3. in 4. dan – Terapija

  • Prva faza terapije.

  • Prosti čas (ogledi).

5. dan – Odhod

  • Transfer na letališče.

  • Let domov.

Priprava na terapijo:

- če ste alergični na katerokoli zdravilo, o tem ob pregledu obvestite zobozdravnika. - če jemljete zdravila za kronične bolezni ali imate druge zdravstvene težave, to povejte svojemu zobozdravniku ob pregledu.


- kakovostno namestitev v bližini klinike organizira in zagotavlja klinika.

Dodatne koristi



Pogosta vprašanja

What amenities are available in Smart-Dent?

In Smart-Dent, available amenities are: 

  • Free first examination

  • Implantology

  • Prosthetic

  • No waiting period

  • Ortopan 2D scanning in Clinic

  • 3D scanning in Clinic

  • Sedation

What are the most popular treatments in Smart-Dent?

The most popular treatments at Smart-Dent in Budapest typically include:

  • dental implants

  • crowns, bridges

  • orthodontics

Where is Smart-Dent located?

The Smart-Dent clinic is located in the center of Budapest, a vibrant but quiet part of the V district, in one of the most elegant buildings in the city, near the Danube Embankment and the Marriott Hotel. You can easily reach the clinic by public transport or by car. The clinic is 23 km from the airport.





Outstanding professionals who make a difference! The perfect choice for everyone wanting quick, painless and professional care. These people are truly devoted to their work. Highly recommend them the result is your relieved and radiant smile.

Györk Bakonyi


Györk Bakonyi

Super kind staff, friendly prices. Precise and fast results.

Daniel Schützenhoffer


Daniel Schützenhoffer

Professional, empathetic, almost painless treatment at a fair price (treated by Dr. Valéria Tóth).

Bilall El Amrii


Bilall El Amrii

Great people, great customer service. I can’t describe how incredible experience I had with Dora and her mother. They were so caring, understandable and made so much effort to speak English. I had to do a treatment and they manage to recommend and set an appointment with another surgery to complete my treatment. I would totally recommend them and will go again if I had the chance. Big hug to Smart Dent family!

Prikazovanje 1-4 od 4