Budimpešta, Madžarska
npr. Puljenje zoba

Identity Clinic

4.88/5(38 komentarjev)

Móricz Zsigmond Körtér 15. 3. emelt 8. ajtó, Kapucsengő: 31,1117 Budapest, Hungary

Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

Welcome to the Clinic

Identity Clinic is a leading dental practice in Budapest, comprised of a young and experienced team of renowned dentists.  With a wealth of expertise in their respective fields, they boast compelling references and a dedication to excellence. 


Utilizing the latest tools and technologies, Identity Clinic stands as one of the most modern and well-equipped dental clinics in Budapest. Identity Clinic specializes in all areas of dentistry. 

Special Amenities

No Waiting Period

Identity Clinic makes sure you get treatment as soon as possible with no waiting period.


Sedation is a way to make you feel calm and relaxed when you have a dental procedure. The dentist will choose the best way to sedate you, based on your health and medical history. You need to have someone with you who can look after you. You also need to do what the dentist tells you before and after the procedure. You may feel a bit sleepy or dizzy for a while, so don’t do anything hard or dangerous. For a more comprehensive view of amenities, like accommodation, check out the list below the clinic description. 


Communication is supported in English 


Identity Clinic is situated in the heart of Ujbuda, on Moricz Zsigmond Square, in Budapest the capital city of Hungary. As the vibrant capital of Hungary, this enchanting city seamlessly blends old-world elegance with modern allure, captivating visitors at every turn.

Nearby Landmarks and Attractions

District XI, Újbuda, is a hub of cultural and historical landmarks.  The Gellért Thermal Bath offers luxurious relaxation, while Gellért Hill boasts the Citadella fortress and Liberty Statue. Bartók Béla Way charms with galleries and eateries, and the Danube River buzzes at night with bars like A38. Explore this vibrant district for a delightful Budapest experience. 

Airport and Transportation

The Airport is located 9km away from the clinic, the journey takes around an hour by public transportation and there are multiple ways of arriving from the airport to the clinic. 

Booking Information

With a commitment to patient comfort and satisfaction, the team at Identity Clinic invites individuals to visit without fear or worry. Their mission is to restore smiles and confidence, ensuring every patient leaves with a renewed sense of self-assurance. To book an appointment, just make an inquiry, and our patient managers will help and guide you in your dental journey. It’s free, simple and easy!




Brez čakanja

15+ let izkušenj

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Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

Če najdete boljšo ceno neposredno v zobozdravstveni kliniki ali na drugem spletnem mestu, jo bomo izenačili ali presegli

Podpora Patient Managerjev

Izkoristite brezplačno vodenje naše strokovne ekipe, ki vam bo pomagala pri prilagojeni negi

Znižane cene

Na voljo izključno ob rezervaciji preko Booking.dentist

Brezplačni prvi pregled

Uživajte v prvem brezplačnem posvetu, ki je na voljo v večini naših klinik.

npr. Puljenje zoba

Vseh 26 tretmajev

  • €300

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    Osnova krone je izdelana iz kovinske zlitine, ki je v celoti prekrita s keramiko, tako da kovinski del ni viden. Kovine, ki se uporabljajo za izdelavo kovinsko-keramičnih kron, so zlitine zlata, zlitine drugih kovin (npr. titan ...) ali zlitine na jekleni osnovi (npr. nikelj ali krom). Glavna prednost kovinsko-keramičnih kron je v tem, da daje kovina v substratu izrazito trdnost. Prav tako se zaradi svoje trdnosti in konsistence pogosto uporabljajo pri prekrivanju premolarjev in molarjev, kjer so prisotne močne žvečilne sile.

    • Sedation
    • Straumann implants

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    Cirkon je najnovejši visokokakovosten material, ki se uporablja za izdelavo kron in mostičkov. Cirkon-keramične krone in mostičke odlikuje biokompatibilnost in natančnost, hkrati pa ohranja naravno estetiko zob. Ker je mehanska odpornost dosežena že pri debelini 0,4 m, je potrebno manjše brušenje naravnega zoba pred namestitvijo krone. Ker so cirkon-keramične krone izdelane zelo natančno, je čiščenje olajšano, draženje dlesni pa zmanjšano (zaradi možnosti visokega poliranja in natančnosti dostopa do krone). Prednost teh kron je nezmožnost pojava tako imenovanega ‘črnega roba’ zaradi retrakcije dlesni, ker v konstrukciji ni kovine.

  • €470

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    Keramične luske ali luske so ena najpogostejših rešitev v sodobnem estetskem zobozdravstvu za doseganje popolno belega nasmeha. To so tanki prozorni porcelanasti lističi, ki se prilepijo na sprednjo površino zoba in z njimi lahko popravimo številne nepravilnosti, kot so oblika, velikost, položaj in barva zoba. Če želite povrniti samozavest in lep nasmeh, so luske idealna rešitev za doseganje skladno oblikovanih zob in bleščečega belega nasmeha.

  • €1,000

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    Straumann je vodilno švicarsko podjetje v proizvodnji vsadkov in osteogenetskih nadomestkov na svetu. Linija izdelkov je sestavljena iz vrhunske zobne protetike, kot so zobni vsadki, zobne krone in mostički, ter protetičnih podaljškov (suprastruktur), ki povezujejo nov zob z vsadkom.

  • €40

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    Estetske (bele) kompozitne zalivke so idealne rešitve, če želite doseči popolnoma naraven videz zob po poškodbi kariesa. Uporabljajo se v primerih, ko ni potrebna velika obnova zobnega tkiva in se izdelajo v ordinaciji v enem obisku.

  • €12,000

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    All on 4 je revolucionaren postopek, ki se v svetu uporablja že 35 let. All on 4 omogoča pacientu, da obnovi vse zobe ene čeljusti z enim zobnim vsadkom v enem dnevu! Postopek All on 4 velja za eno najpomembnejših odkritij v zobozdravstvu z vsadki iz dveh razlogov:1. Skoraj vsi so kandidati za postopek all on 4, ne glede na izgubo kostne mase.2. Popravljeni zobje še isti dan. Skoraj vsi pacienti prejmejo fiksno začasno delo v 24 urah po namestitvi vsadka! Štirje vsadki so nameščeni tako, da so sile žvečenja enakomerno porazdeljene po mostu in po mostu do vsadkov, kar je zelo podobno sistemu, na katerem sedite na stolu. trenutno sedim med branjem tega besedila deluje! Ta nastavitev implantata vam omogoča, da implantate takoj zaženete (obremenitev) s fiksnim začasnim mostom! Pacient lahko že v 24 urah po vstavitvi implantata normalno jede in se smeji! Po 3 do 4 mesecih je pacient dobil stalne keramične zobe.

    • Sedation
    • Straumann implants

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    Izdiranje zoba je oralno-kirurški poseg. Čeprav se sodobno zobozdravstvo v določenih situacijah trudi ohraniti prav vsak zob, se je vseeno treba zateči k puljenju zoba. Pred vsakim puljenjem zoba je potrebno narediti rentgensko slikanje in poskusiti zob endodontsko ozdraviti ter narediti vse, da ostane v čeljusti. Na žalost zoba ni vedno mogoče rešiti in je treba opraviti ekstrakcijo zoba.

  • €800

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    Totalna proteza je izdelana posebej za zgornjo in spodnjo čeljust v situacijah, ko so v eni od čeljusti izgubljeni vsi naravni zobje. Celotna zobna proteza je sestavljena iz baze, na katero so nameščeni zobje. Osnova je iz roza akrilata, ki se zlije z barvo sluznice in tako podpre celotno estetsko delo. Namen podlage je porazdelitev žvečilnih sil, ki nastanejo pri žvečenju na sluznico in kostno podlago. Ker sama sluznica ne prenese večjih obremenitev, je pomembno, da je podlaga čim širša, da se žvečne sile porazdelijo na čim večjo površino in tako dosežemo varnejši in prijetnejši ugriz. Zgornja osnova pokriva celotno nebo, spodnja osnova pa ima obliko podkve, ki pušča prost prostor za jezik. Celotno protezo je treba odstraniti in vsaj enkrat dnevno oprati in razkužiti z ustreznimi sredstvi, priporočljivo pa je, da jo umijete po vsakem obroku in pred spanjem.

Prikazovanje 1-8 od 26

Vaši zobozdravniki

  • Dr. Péter

    Dr. Péter Tóth

    Periodontology, implantology

    Before graduation, I began to feel more and more strongly that I longed for a challenge that would allow me to stand out from my peers. It was then that I decided that, like my father, I wanted to pursue a career in dentistry.

    I obtained my diploma in 2009, but before that, during my student years, I already worked intensively in my father's private and TB-funded district. From assisting to minor dental work to independent treatments, I performed a variety of tasks and gained a lot of experience.

    I chose periodontology as my first specialty within dentistry. I feel that this is perhaps the closest to general medicine, and I also like that as a periodontologist there is a point of connection with almost all dental specialties. I also find the complexity of the task attractive.

    I am proud of the fact that I passed another professional exam at the end of 2021, so since then I can call myself an implantologist in addition to a periodontist.

  • Dr. Albeck

    Dr. Albeck Péter

    Prosthetics, aesthetic dentistry

    I come from a medical family, my mother is an orthopedist, my father has 5 professional exams, he originally worked as an accident surgeon, now he treats patients as a general practitioner and sports doctor. From a young age, I was raised to be anything but a doctor. When I had to choose a career, of course I decided on the medical field, which they continued to oppose, but based on a mutual agreement, the dental career became the final destination. In retrospect, I understand their point of view and I am grateful to them, because the career in dentistry is truly for me.

    Dental care is based on a great deal of trust between the doctor and the patient, as people usually expect a dreaded care that they find difficult to commit to. If they find a common voice and gain each other's trust, success is almost guaranteed. If the professional training and dedication of the doctor is adequate, then he knows that the patient will leave the chair satisfied, and from then on it becomes a strong bond. Therefore, the most important thing is for the doctor to be able to win the patient's trust, which is the key to the appropriate professional experience and empathy.

    During my career so far, I consider myself very lucky, because in each of my previous jobs I was able to learn from extraordinary specialists and gain experience from patient care that few people get. The iDentity Clinic is my many workplaces, but I think it will be my last.

  • Dr. Babics

    Dr. Babics Anna

    Endodontics, pediatric dentistry

    I have been interested in medicine since I was a child: healing people and the functioning of the human body. The fact that I would choose a career in dentistry was outlined in my early teens. I always stood by my decision when I had to choose a high school, even then I consciously went to the real department, and after graduation, I was immediately accepted to Semmelweis University in Budapest.

    I graduated from university in 2017, and already as a university student I participated in competitions, and courses, and visited a private practice. In this way, I gained a lot of experience not only in the dental profession but also in the assistant and other duties necessary for operating the clinic.

    At the beginning of the university, I was most interested in oral surgery, and when I got more and more interested in other specialties, I realized that saving teeth gives me more pleasure, so I finally specialized in aesthetic dentistry, root canal treatment, and dental restorations.

  • Dr. Ujj

    Dr. Ujj Krisztina

    Periodontology (specialist candidate)

    Even as a child, I spent a lot of time with my mother at the dentist's office. These years helped me a lot in my career choice: it soon became clear to me that his profession was what I wanted to do in the future. His love for the profession and his patients, as well as his pursuit of maximum results, motivated me during my studies and since then also in my work.

    In 2020, I graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of Semmelweis University. As a student, during the 2019/20 academic year, I was accepted into the Clinical Talent Care Program of the Periodontology Clinic. Within the framework of this, I had the opportunity to actively participate in the admission of patients at the Clinic, in the treatment of acute cases, and in the treatment of patients.

    I joined the iDentity Clinic team in 2021.

  • Dr. Haghighat

    Dr. Haghighat Foad

    Resident periodontologist

    I completed my dental studies in English at Semmelweis University. I work under the professional supervision of Dr. Péter Tóth at the clinic, where I would like to join the periodontology residency training. My main areas of interest are endodontics and regenerative surgical interventions.

    I constantly take part in further training at home and abroad, because this is how I can provide the most demanding care to my patients, who entrust their smiles to me.

  • Dr. Czika

    Dr. Czika Szilárd

    Specialist in prosthodontics, prosthetics, general and aesthetic dentistry

    The joy of creating led to the decision to choose a career in dentistry. I graduated in dentistry in 2016, after which I couldn't wait to work and develop myself. The joy of being able to restore my patients' smiles motivated me to become a prosthodontist.

    In the public mind, dentists are still seen as "mums", so I always try to break down these stereotypes with my lovely patients. During the treatments, I try to create a calm, friendly and safe atmosphere.

    I am happy to be part of a team where everyone strives to give the best to our patients in accordance with their field of expertise, so that the end result is the best possible.

  • Dr. Vörös

    Dr. Vörös Aleszja

    Orthodontics for children and adults

    I graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Szeged in 2015. Already in my last year of university, I knew that I wanted to work in orthodontics. In 2019, I obtained my orthodontist exam at Semmelweis University. I also work with fixed and invisible braces in my work. I am happy that I was able to join a supportive and professionally professional team at Identity-Clinic.

  • Dr. Orosz

    Dr. Orosz Orsolya

    Orthodontics for children and adults

    I graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Szeged in 2015. Already in my last year of university, I knew that I wanted to work in orthodontics. In 2019, I obtained my orthodontist exam at Semmelweis University. I also work with fixed and invisible braces in my work. I am happy that I was able to join a supportive and professionally professional team at Identity-Clinic.

Fotografije prej in potem

Dodatne koristi



Zygoma vsadki

Klinika ponuja storitev implantacije Zygoma. Zygoma implantati so posebna vrsta popravka zob. Uporabljajo se, ko je bolnik izgubil velik del kosti v zgornji čeljusti in običajne rešitve ne bodo delovale. Pritrjene so na ličnico, ki je močna in jih dobro drži. Nato bo zobozdravnik postavil nove zobe na podlago. To je zapleten postopek, ki ga morajo izvajati samo izkušeni strokovnjaki s strokovnim znanjem o implantologiji.


Klinika ponuja storitev sedacije. Sedacija je način, da se med zobozdravstvenim posegom počutite mirne in sproščene. Zobozdravnik bo na podlagi vašega zdravstvenega stanja in anamneze izbral najboljši način za pomiritev. Ob sebi moraš imeti nekoga, ki lahko skrbi zate. Prav tako morate storiti, kar vam zobozdravnik reče pred in po posegu. Morda boste nekaj časa zaspani ali se vam bo vrtelo, zato ne počnite ničesar težkega ali nevarnega.

Pogosta vprašanja

Katera so najbolj priljubljena zdravljenja za Identity Clinic?

Nekatera najbolj priljubljena zdravljenja pri Identity Clinic so:
  • Kovinsko keramična krona
  • Cirkonijeva krona
  • Porcelanski laminati (furnirji)

Katere ugodnosti so na voljo pri Identity Clinic?

Od Identity Clinic lahko pričakujete te ugodnosti:
  • Implantologija
  • Protetika
  • Ortodontija
  • Brez čakanja

Kako najdem najboljšo kliniko za svoje zobozdravstveno zdravljenje v tujini?

Če želite poiskati najboljšo kliniko za vaše zobozdravstveno zdravljenje v tujini, lahko uporabite našo platformo za primerjavo različnih klinik na podlagi njihovih cen, mnenj, ocen, storitev, zmogljivosti, lokacij in poverilnic. Lahko se obrnete tudi na naše svetovalce, ki vam lahko pomagajo izbrati najprimernejšo kliniko za vaše potrebe.

Kako se naročim na kliniko v tujini?

Za rezervacijo termina na kliniki v tujini lahko uporabite našo platformo in zahtevate povpraševanje klinike po vaši izbiri. Svoje načrte lahko nastavite tudi z upravitelji strank, ki vam bodo pomagali skozi postopek.





Great service and very professional team. I needed a new implant and Dr. Mihnea helped me out. He did a very fine job, painless and with no complications. The gum healed perfectly with no sign of infection and now i just have to wait for the bone to heal for the next step.

seth  gabriel


seth gabriel

Initially I’ve chose iDentityClinic for their proximity to the airport and their promise to deliver good value for money. After 4 visits to Bucharest, I am certain that I’ve made the right decision. iDentityClinic has excellent doctors that care for the patients. I fully recommend

dana  manoliu


dana manoliu

iDentity Clinic has excellent doctors that know their trade. I’ve done my teeth there (3 implants) and I am pleased with the result. No pain, just gain. Wholeheartedly recommended and a big “thank you”

Jacques  Vaquier


Jacques Vaquier

Excellent dental center, you can go there without fear. The service is better than in France, for less.

Irina  Stanila


Irina Stanila

I went to IDentity Clinic Baneasa with my daughter to be assessed if she needed braces. We felt from the beginning of the treatment that the doctors in that clinic really cared about making sure my daughter had the treatment she needed. The staff of the clinic is very professional, knowledgeable and friendly. We highly recommend that clinic.

Prikazovanje 1-5 od 38

Identity Clinic

4.88/5(38 komentarjev)