Los Algodones, Mehika
npr. Puljenje zoba

Fixing Smiles, Los Algodones

5/5(3 komentarji)

Callejón álamo #137 21970 Los Algodones, Baja California, Mexico

Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

Welcome to the Clinic

Welcome to Fixing Smiles Los Algodones, where comfort meets cutting-edge care. From cozy waiting area to state-of-the-art treatment rooms, every corner of clinic reflects commitment to your well-being.


Fixing Smiles is open, safe, and ready to take care of you. They offer a variety of dental treatments to help you improve the appearance and health of your mouth and teeth. For a more detailed overview of available treatments go to the treatment section.

Special Amenities

No waiting period

Immediate treatment is available at this clinic. Be sure to figure out all the details beforehand with the booking.dentist team and the clinic professionals. For a more comprehensive view of amenities check out the list below the clinic description.

Organized Bus/Van Transfer

For your convenience, an organized transfer can be arranged from the airport to the clinic, as well as between the clinic and accommodation. Contact us to learn more. For a more comprehensive view of amenities, like accommodation, check out the list below the clinic description.


The staff at this clinic is multilingual: communication is supported in English and Spanish.


Algodones, Mexico, is a popular border town destination for medical tourism for residents of the United States and Canada in Los Algondones.

Nearby Landmarks and Attractions

Mexico is a large country with a rich history, vibrant culture, and countless attractions for your enjoyment. We recommend visiting the Colorado River. You can also visit other attractions such as the City of Yuma, and many more.

Airport and Transportation

The clinic is conveniently located just 20 km, or 20 minutes by car, away from the Yuma International Airport, but you can also reach the clinic simply by crossing the US border with a car.

Booking Information

Take control of your health journey by easily booking an appointment. Just make an inquiry; our patient managers will help and guide you in your dental journey. It’s free, simple and easy!

Brezplačen prvi pregled



Brez čakanja

Vse na enem mestu

Organiziran prevajalec

10+ let izkušenj

WiFi v kliniki

Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

Če najdete boljšo ceno neposredno v zobozdravstveni kliniki ali na drugem spletnem mestu, jo bomo izenačili ali presegli

Podpora Patient Managerjev

Izkoristite brezplačno vodenje naše strokovne ekipe, ki vam bo pomagala pri prilagojeni negi

Znižane cene

Na voljo izključno ob rezervaciji preko Booking.dentist

Brezplačni prvi pregled

Uživajte v prvem brezplačnem posvetu, ki je na voljo v večini naših klinik.

npr. Puljenje zoba

Vseh 25 tretmajev

    • Straumannovi vsadki
    • Garancija na kakovost dela
    • Specialist za All on 4/6
    • Zajamčeno najboljše cene

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    The base of the crown is made of a metal alloy that is completely covered with ceramic so that the metal part is not visible. The metals used to make metal-ceramic crowns are gold alloys, alloys of other metals (eg titanium ...) or alloys with a steel base (eg nickel or chromium). The main advantage of metal-ceramic crowns is that the metal in the substrate gives a distinct strength. Also, due to their strength and consistency, they are often used in covering the premolars and molars where strong masticatory forces are present.

    • Straumannovi vsadki
    • Garancija na kakovost dela
    • Specialist za All on 4/6
    • Zajamčeno najboljše cene

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    Zircon is the latest high quality material used to make crowns and bridges. Zircon-ceramic crowns and bridges are characterized by biocompatibility and precision, while maintaining the natural aesthetics of the teeth. Since mechanical resistance is already achieved with a thickness of 0.4 m, less grinding of the natural tooth is required before placing the crown. As zircon-ceramic crowns are made very precisely, cleaning is facilitated, and the irritation of the gums is reduced (due to the possibility of high polishing and accuracy of access to the crown). The advantage of these crowns is the impossibility of the appearance of the so-called ‘black edge’ due to gum retraction because there is no metal in the construction.

    • Straumannovi vsadki
    • Garancija na kakovost dela
    • Specialist za All on 4/6
    • Zajamčeno najboljše cene

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    Ceramic flakes or Veneers are one of the most common solutions in contemporary aesthetic dentistry to achieve the perfect white smile. These are thin transparent porcelain slips that stick to the front surface of the tooth and can be used to correct many irregularities like shape, size, position, and color of the tooth. If you want to restore confidence and a nice smile, the scales are an ideal solution for achieving harmoniously shaped teeth and a brilliant white smile.

    • Straumannovi vsadki
    • Garancija na kakovost dela
    • Specialist za All on 4/6
    • Zajamčeno najboljše cene

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    All on 4 is a revolutionary procedure that has been used in the world for 35 years now. All on 4 allows the patient to restore all the teeth of one jaw with one dental implant within one day! All on 4 procedure is considered one of the most important discoveries in dentistry with implants for two reasons: 1. Almost everyone is a candidate for an all on 4 procedure, regardless of bone loss. 2. Fixed teeth on the same day. Almost all patients receive fixed temporary work within 24 hours of implant placement! The four implants are positioned so that the chewing forces are evenly distributed across the bridge, and across the bridge to the implants, very similar to the system on which the chair you are currently sitting on while reading this text is working! This implant setting allows you to put the implants into operation immediately (load) with a fixed temporary bridge! The patient can eat and laugh normally in just 24 hours after the implant placement! After 3 to 4 months, the patient received permanent acrylic teeth.

    • Straumannovi vsadki
    • Garancija na kakovost dela
    • Specialist za All on 4/6
    • Zajamčeno najboljše cene

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    The ALL-ON-6 procedure only takes a few hours. It may seem impossible, but this world technological hit allows patients to get new teeth and a complete perfect smile in just a few hours. Immediately after the procedure, the patient received a temporary prosthetic solution, and the final work is done after 3 months. After 3 to 4 months, the patient received permanent acrylic teeth. ALL ON 6 is a long-lasting, mechanically better and more stable solution compared to ALL ON 4.

    • Straumannovi vsadki
    • Garancija na kakovost dela
    • Specialist za All on 4/6
    • Zajamčeno najboljše cene

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    Straumann is the leading Swiss company in the production of implants and osteogenetic replacements in the world. The product line consists of top-quality dental prosthetics such as dental implants, dental crowns and bridges, as well as prosthetic extensions (suprastructures) that connect the new tooth to the implant.

    • Straumannovi vsadki
    • Garancija na kakovost dela
    • Specialist za All on 4/6
    • Zajamčeno najboljše cene

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    Aesthetic (white) composite fillings are ideal in the solution if you want to achieve a completely natural appearance of the teeth after caries damage. They are used in cases when a large restoration of dental tissue is not needed, and they are made in the office in one visit.

    • Straumannovi vsadki
    • Garancija na kakovost dela
    • Specialist za All on 4/6
    • Zajamčeno najboljše cene

    Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba

    All on 4 is a revolutionary procedure that has been used in the world for 35 years now. All on 4 allows the patient to restore all the teeth of one jaw with one dental implant within one day! All on 4 procedure is considered one of the most important discoveries in dentistry with implants for two reasons:1. Almost everyone is a candidate for an all on 4 procedure, regardless of bone loss.2. Fixed teeth on the same day. Almost all patients receive fixed temporary work within 24 hours of implant placement!The four implants are positioned so that the chewing forces are evenly distributed across the bridge, and across the bridge to the implants, very similar to the system on which the chair you are currently sitting while reading this text is working! This implant setting allows you to put the implants into operation immediately (load) with a fixed temporary bridge! The patient can eat and laugh normally in just 24 hours after the implant placement! After 3 to 4 months, the patient got permanent ceramic teeth.

Prikazovanje 1-8 od 25

Vaš zdravnik

  • DDS. Juan Andrés

    DDS. Juan Andrés Romero

    Specialist za koreninske kanale

    DDS. Juan Andrés Romero je zelo uspešen zobozdravnik in vodilni zdravnik pri Fixing Smiles Algodones, znan po svojih naprednih veščinah in predanosti zagotavljanju vrhunske zobozdravstvene oskrbe. Z obsežnim izkušnjami v splošnem in estetskem zobozdravstvu se s svojo ekipo redno udeležuje mednarodnih kongresov in seminarjev ter ostaja v ospredju najnovejših inovacij na področju zobozdravstvenih zdravljenj in tehnologij.

Fotografije prej in potem

Dodatne koristi


angleški, španski

Obravnava brezplačne nastanitve nad 5000€

Klinika ponuja brezplačno nastanitev za zdravljenja nad 5000 €. Med zdravljenjem boste ostali v hotelu ali drugem kraju v bližini klinike. Nekatera zobozdravstvena dela, na primer popravilo celotnih ust, ravnanje zob ali lepši nasmeh, zahtevajo več kot en obisk. Pomagali vam bomo najti prenočišče, kolikor dolgo ga potrebujete. Pogoji in določila se lahko spremenijo. Prosimo, kontaktirajte nas za več podrobnosti, preden se naročite na zdravljenje.

Organiziran prevoz z avtobusom/kombijem

Organiziran prevoz vas popelje iz vašega mesta do klinike in nazaj. Je priročno, varno in enostavno, še posebej, če imate omejeno mobilnost. Upoštevajte, da se pogoji in določila lahko spremenijo, zato nas kontaktirajte, če želite izvedeti več o ugodnosti.


Klinika ponuja storitev sedacije. Sedacija je način, da se med zobozdravstvenim posegom počutite mirne in sproščene. Zobozdravnik bo na podlagi vašega zdravstvenega stanja in anamneze izbral najboljši način za pomiritev. Ob sebi moraš imeti nekoga, ki lahko skrbi zate. Prav tako morate storiti, kar vam zobozdravnik reče pred in po posegu. Morda boste nekaj časa zaspani ali se vam bo vrtelo, zato ne počnite ničesar težkega ali nevarnega.

Popolna anestezija

Klinika nudi celovito storitev anestezije. Če potrebujete veliko zobozdravniškega dela ali ste nervozni zaradi zobozdravstvenih posegov, ste lahko upravičeni do popolne nezavesti ob uporabi popolne anestezije. Bistveno je vedeti, da je tovrstna anestezija lahko nevarna za vaše srce in dihanje. Dajati ga mora le dobro usposobljen in izkušen zdravstveni delavec v ustrezni zdravstveni ustanovi z vzpostavljenimi postopki za nujne primere. Zelo priporočamo, da vas na pregled spremlja odgovorna oseba, če se odločite za popolno anestezijo. Po posegu se lahko počutite zaspani in imate druge učinke, ki trajajo nekaj časa. Ključnega pomena je, da upoštevate navodila vaše zobozdravstvene ekipe in se izogibate opravilom, ki zahtevajo vašo vso pozornost, dokler vam ni popolnoma bolje

Garancija na izdelavo

Ta klinika zagotavlja garancijo na kakovost zobozdravstvenih posegov. Če se v določenem času po posegu pojavijo težave, jih bomo odpravili brez dodatnih stroškov. Bolniki morajo razumeti pogoje in izbrati kliniko z ugledom in izkušenimi strokovnjaki. Preglejte garancijski dokument in shranite kopijo za referenco.

Brezplačen VIP prevoz

Klinika ponuja brezplačen VIP prevoz za zobozdravstvene turiste, ki iščejo zobozdravstveno oskrbo v tujini, od letališča do nastanitve in nazaj.

Pogosta vprašanja

Katera so najbolj priljubljena zdravljenja za Fixing Smiles?

Nekatera najbolj priljubljena zdravljenja pri Fixing Smiles so:
  • Metal ceramic crown
  • Zirconium crown
  • Porcelain laminates (Veneers)

Katere ugodnosti so na voljo pri Fixing Smiles?

Od Fixing Smiles lahko pričakujete te ugodnosti:
  • Brezplačen prvi pregled
  • Implantologija
  • Protetika
  • Brez čakanja

Kako najdem najboljšo kliniko za svoje zobozdravstveno zdravljenje v tujini?

Če želite poiskati najboljšo kliniko za vaše zobozdravstveno zdravljenje v tujini, lahko uporabite našo platformo za primerjavo različnih klinik na podlagi njihovih cen, mnenj, ocen, storitev, zmogljivosti, lokacij in poverilnic. Lahko se obrnete tudi na naše svetovalce, ki vam lahko pomagajo izbrati najprimernejšo kliniko za vaše potrebe.

Kako se naročim na kliniko v tujini?

Za rezervacijo termina na kliniki v tujini lahko uporabite našo platformo in zahtevate povpraševanje klinike po vaši izbiri. Svoje načrte lahko nastavite tudi z upravitelji strank, ki vam bodo pomagali skozi postopek.


Perla Cristina


Perla Cristina

Me atendieron muy bien, me hicieron veeners, muy contenta con mis resultados.

Carlos Bobadilla


Carlos Bobadilla

Excellent service and professionalism, I am very satisfied with the care provided,

Kelly Jo Minaker


Kelly Jo Minaker

Ok...I would honestly recommend this dentist to anyone who needs any dental work. Very clean, very friendly and reasonable!!

Prikazovanje 1-3 od 3

Fixing Smiles

5/5(3 komentarji)