Stanislava Lema 2/8U, Gdansk 80-126, Poland
Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba
Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba
The DUAL Dental Clinic is a new generation of dentistry. What distinguishes Dual Dental Clinic from other dental clinics is the innovative treatment conditions that provide patients with completely new experience.
In the DUAL dental clinic, specialists from many areas of dentistry meet in one place: dentists and dental technicians - the clinic offers the highest standard of prosthetic services, which is an on-site dental laboratory. For a more detailed overview of available treatments go to the treatment section.
Open 24 hours for emergency
DUAL dental clinic is available 24 hours a day for emergency interventions.
Everything in One Place
DUAL dental clinic has an X-ray, both 2D and 3D scanning, and more, right at the clinic. For a more comprehensive view of amenities, like years of experience, check out the list below the clinic description.
At DUAL dental clinic communication is supported in English and Polish.
Gdańsk is a very interesting city in Poland. Gdańsk boasts modern facilities that cater to both residents and visitors. The city's infrastructure includes a well-developed transportation network, featuring an international airport, efficient public transportation, and accessible roadways.
Gdańsk seamlessly blends its historical charm with modern amenities, making it a captivating destination for both locals and tourists alike. Culture lovers can explore the many museums, galleries, and theatres, such as the European Solidarity Centre, and for those who want a modern environment, the city's waterfront area, known as the Motlava River, is lined with restaurants, cafes, and shops, offering a variety of entertainment options and social activities.
The clinic is located in Gdańsk, 14km away from the Airport City Gdańsk. Car services can be found at the airport
DUAL dental clinic is the perfect place if you want to combine your vacation with solving your dental problems. Take control of your oral health journey by easily booking an appointment. Just make an inquiry, and our patient managers will help and guide you in your dental journey. It’s free, simple and easy!
Brezplačen prvi pregled
Brez čakanja
Brezplačna ponudba
Vse na enem mestu
Organiziran prevajalec
15+ let izkušenj
WiFi v kliniki
Odprto 24 ur za nujne primere
Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba
Če najdete boljšo ceno neposredno v zobozdravstveni kliniki ali na drugem spletnem mestu, jo bomo izenačili ali presegli
Podpora Patient Managerjev
Izkoristite brezplačno vodenje naše strokovne ekipe, ki vam bo pomagala pri prilagojeni negi
Znižane cene
Na voljo izključno ob rezervaciji preko
Brezplačni prvi pregled
Uživajte v prvem brezplačnem posvetu, ki je na voljo v večini naših klinik.
Vseh 24 tretmajev
Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba
Cirkon je najnovejši visokokakovosten material, ki se uporablja za izdelavo kron in mostičkov. Cirkon-keramične krone in mostičke odlikuje biokompatibilnost in natančnost, hkrati pa ohranja naravno estetiko zob. Ker je mehanska odpornost dosežena že pri debelini 0,4 m, je potrebno manjše brušenje naravnega zoba pred namestitvijo krone. Ker so cirkon-keramične krone izdelane zelo natančno, je čiščenje olajšano, draženje dlesni pa zmanjšano (zaradi možnosti visokega poliranja in natančnosti dostopa do krone). Prednost teh kron je nezmožnost pojava tako imenovanega ‘črnega roba’ zaradi retrakcije dlesni, ker v konstrukciji ni kovine.
Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba
Keramične luske ali luske so ena najpogostejših rešitev v sodobnem estetskem zobozdravstvu za doseganje popolno belega nasmeha. To so tanki prozorni porcelanasti lističi, ki se prilepijo na sprednjo površino zoba in z njimi lahko popravimo številne nepravilnosti, kot so oblika, velikost, položaj in barva zoba. Če želite povrniti samozavest in lep nasmeh, so luske idealna rešitev za doseganje skladno oblikovanih zob in bleščečega belega nasmeha.
Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba
All on 4 je revolucionaren postopek, ki se v svetu uporablja že 35 let. All on 4 omogoča pacientu, da obnovi vse zobe ene čeljusti z enim zobnim vsadkom v enem dnevu! Postopek All on 4 velja za eno najpomembnejših odkritij v zobozdravstvu z vsadki iz dveh razlogov: 1. Skoraj vsi so kandidati za poseg All on 4, ne glede na izgubo kostne mase. 2. Popravljeni zobje še isti dan. Skoraj vsi pacienti dobijo določeno začasno delo v 24 urah po vgradnji vsadka! Štirje vsadki so nameščeni tako, da so žvečilne sile enakomerno porazdeljene po mostičku in po mostičku do vsadkov, zelo podobno kot sistem, na katerem deluje stol, na katerem trenutno sedite med branjem tega teksta! Ta nastavitev implantata vam omogoča, da implantate takoj zaženete (obremenitev) s fiksnim začasnim mostom! Pacient lahko že v 24 urah po vstavitvi implantata normalno jede in se smeji! Po 3 do 4 mesecih je pacient dobil stalne akrilatne zobe.
Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba
Postopek ALL-ON-6 traja le nekaj ur. Morda se zdi nemogoče, a ta svetovna tehnološka uspešnica pacientom omogoča, da že v nekaj urah dobijo nove zobe in popoln popoln nasmeh. Takoj po posegu je pacient prejel začasno protetično rešitev, končna izdelava pa je narejena po 3 mesecih. Po 3 do 4 mesecih je pacient dobil stalne akrilatne zobe. ALL ON 6 je dolgotrajna, mehansko boljša in stabilnejša rešitev v primerjavi z ALL ON 4.
Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba
Estetske (bele) kompozitne zalivke so idealne rešitve, če želite doseči popolnoma naraven videz zob po poškodbi kariesa. Uporabljajo se v primerih, ko ni potrebna velika obnova zobnega tkiva in se izdelajo v ordinaciji v enem obisku.
Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba
All on 4 je revolucionaren postopek, ki se v svetu uporablja že 35 let. All on 4 omogoča pacientu, da obnovi vse zobe ene čeljusti z enim zobnim vsadkom v enem dnevu! Postopek All on 4 velja za eno najpomembnejših odkritij v zobozdravstvu z vsadki iz dveh razlogov:1. Skoraj vsi so kandidati za postopek all on 4, ne glede na izgubo kostne mase.2. Popravljeni zobje še isti dan. Skoraj vsi pacienti prejmejo fiksno začasno delo v 24 urah po namestitvi vsadka! Štirje vsadki so nameščeni tako, da so sile žvečenja enakomerno porazdeljene po mostu in po mostu do vsadkov, kar je zelo podobno sistemu, na katerem sedite na stolu. trenutno sedim med branjem tega besedila deluje! Ta nastavitev implantata vam omogoča, da implantate takoj zaženete (obremenitev) s fiksnim začasnim mostom! Pacient lahko že v 24 urah po vstavitvi implantata normalno jede in se smeji! Po 3 do 4 mesecih je pacient dobil stalne keramične zobe.
Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba
Hollywood smile je niz posegov, ki lahko vaš nasmeh naredijo lepši in estetsko mlajši. Hollywoodski nasmeh je popolna preobrazba nasmeha in vključuje izdelavo zobnih kron na vseh zobeh ali vsaj na vidnih zobeh zgornje in spodnje čeljusti. Lep in naraven nasmeh vpliva predvsem na samozavest in varnost posameznika. Z dostopnostjo metod in delovnih procesov lep, hollywoodski nasmeh preneha biti privilegij in razkošje bogatih in slavnih. Danes imate lahko tudi vi nasmeh, o katerem ste sanjali.
Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba
Izdiranje zoba je oralno-kirurški poseg. Čeprav se sodobno zobozdravstvo v določenih situacijah trudi ohraniti prav vsak zob, se je vseeno treba zateči k puljenju zoba. Pred vsakim puljenjem zoba je potrebno narediti rentgensko slikanje in poskusiti zob endodontsko ozdraviti ter narediti vse, da ostane v čeljusti. Na žalost zoba ni vedno mogoče rešiti in je treba opraviti ekstrakcijo zoba.
Prikazovanje 1-8 od 24
Dr. Anna Armada
Her field of expertise is prosthodontics, implantoprosthetics and cosmetic dentistry. She builds her practice around the most difficult clinical cases. She is a graduate of the Medical University of Gdańsk. She started her medical practice as an endodontist. She gained vast experience and trust of patients in this field. Precision and patience in the way she works, combined with a deep knowledge of endodontics, enabled her to naturally develop into the field of implant prosthetics. She gained her knowledge from the best Polish and foreign dental leaders. She participated in trainings and special sessions with absolute authorities in the world of dentistry. For several years now she has been performing prosthodontics treatments, full-arch occlusal reconstructions based on complex treatment plans and delicate aesthetic treatments. She is a doctor whose experience and knowledge are used by various clinics in Poland to guide their most difficult implant prosthetic cases. To this day, she also deals with the most complex endodontic treatments. She leads the patient holistically, in cooperation with an orthodontists, periodontists and dental technicians. Focused and confident in her work, he gained great trust of implant prosthetic patients who come to her for treatment from all over Poland as well as from abroad. In her work, she focuses on analyzing occlusions, so that reconstructions are fully planned and the risk of complications is minimized. Dr. Armada is on top of the results of the latest scientific research and news from the world of digital dentistry. She has made hundreds of smile transformations, her sense of aesthetics and eye to details can be seen in every veneer case she makes.
Dr. Anna Szematowicz
Her field of expertise is prosthetics and implant prosthetics. She is a graduate of the Medical University of Gdańsk, has 14 years of experience in bite reconstruction and is a doctor who performs the most complex clinical cases. She treats patients requiring full implant prosthetic reconstructions as well as those for whom she performs ultra-thin IndiviDual veneers. Her extensive experience in full-arch work allows her to undertake the most difficult clinical cases and successfully implement the most demanding treatment plans. The world of endodontics holds no secrets from her, she treats her prosthetic patients in such a way as to save teeth that are doomed to be extracted. She is an excellent operator who performs procedures with determination and confidence in her movements. She gained her professional practice alongside the best doctors in the industry as well as during prestigious training and courses. Dr. Anna’s prosthetic experience far exceeds her working years – working exclusively as a prosthodontist for years, she can boast of hundreds of metamorphoses and a perfectly developed work style. In her work, she pays great attention to the analysis of occlusion, she always works safely with the function in the foreground, followed by the aesthetics of the new teeth. She is a doctor who perfectly understands the needs of patients who require the highest aesthetics, she is patient, has an outstanding eye for detail, and her work is always refined to perfection. A skilled manual therapist, he has a photographic memory and an excellent sense of subtle beauty. The effects of her work are always delicate, natural, never exaggerated. She believes that the secret to beneficial changes are aesthetic dentistry procedures that give natural and elegant results. She treats the patient holistically, in cooperation with an orthodontist, periodontist and dental technician. Together with the members of the DUAL clinic team, he creates a well-coordinated, supportive and committed team, which is felt by every patient.
Tech. dent. Krzysztof Antoszewski
A graduate of Medical University of Gdańsk in the field of Dental Techniques, Faculty of Dentistry. Ceramist with vocation. His work already at the practical entrance examination placed him first among the other candidates in this field. He started his professional career by working in one of the largest dental laboratories in Poland, but he quickly decided that only a boutique laboratory would provide him with how he imagines individual work with a patient. He was lucky to gain skills for several years by working alongside the masters of dental ceramisc in one of the best laboratories in the country. He broadened his knowledge in specialist courses and practical sessions. Years spent carrying out work for the most demanding doctors and patients shaped the sense of high aesthetics and nobility of the profession of dental technician. His professional motivation is the desire to perfectly mimic nature by using ceramic. He is one of the few technicians in the country working in handmade multilayered technique, He makes his renowned ultra-thin veneers. Krzysztof Antoszewski skilfully combines advanced digital technology with traditional handicrafts. He is a specialist in full bite reconstructions and highly esthetic occlusion reconstruction works. Every dental work that comes out of his hand is fully individualized, functional, natural. He has been running his own proprietary studio for 12 years. His characteristic style of work has been recognized by many eminent doctors in Poland, and his aesthetic and implant prosthetic restorations are presented as demonstrations at trainings and courses for dentists.
Dodatne koristi
angleški, poljski
Lasten laboratorij
Klinika ima lasten laboratorij. V ustanovi nudijo vrsto zobne protetike in aparatov po meri pacientov. Klinika daje prednost jasni komunikaciji s tehniki, kar ima za posledico hitrejše ustvarjanje z vrhunsko kakovostjo in prilagajanjem. Dobili boste najboljše prileganje in videz vaših zob.
Ortopan 2D skeniranje v kliniki
Klinika omogoča ortopan 2D skeniranje na kliniki. To je napredna tehnologija skeniranja za izdelavo visokokakovostnih slik vaših ustnih struktur. Intraoralni rentgenski posnetki se osredotočajo na zobe in čeljust, medtem ko panoramski rentgen prikazuje celotna usta in obraz. Postopek je hiter, varen in vključuje majhne doze sevanja ter digitalno tehnologijo. Klinika lahko shrani te slike in jih po potrebi deli s strokovnjaki, s čimer vam zagotovi najboljšo možno oskrbo.
3D skeniranje v kliniki
Klinika omogoča 3D skeniranje na kliniki. 3D skeniranje (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) je način slikanja vaših ust s posebnim aparatom. Vaše zobe, čeljust in druge dele prikazuje v 3D, kar pomeni, da jih lahko vidite iz različnih zornih kotov. To nam pomaga, da pregledamo vaša usta in odpravimo morebitne težave, ki jih imate. Ta vrsta skeniranja je hitrejša, natančnejša in udobnejša od običajnih rentgenskih žarkov, pokaže, kako so oblikovane vaše kosti in korenine, ter vam pomaga bolje načrtovati zdravljenje. 3D-skeniranje uporabljamo samo takrat, ko moramo videti več stvari, kot nam lahko pokaže običajni rentgen.
Klinika ponuja storitev sedacije. Sedacija je način, da se med zobozdravstvenim posegom počutite mirne in sproščene. Zobozdravnik bo na podlagi vašega zdravstvenega stanja in anamneze izbral najboljši način za pomiritev. Ob sebi moraš imeti nekoga, ki lahko skrbi zate. Prav tako morate storiti, kar vam zobozdravnik reče pred in po posegu. Morda boste nekaj časa zaspani ali se vam bo vrtelo, zato ne počnite ničesar težkega ali nevarnega.
Garancija na izdelavo
Ta klinika zagotavlja garancijo na kakovost zobozdravstvenih posegov. Če se v določenem času po posegu pojavijo težave, jih bomo odpravili brez dodatnih stroškov. Bolniki morajo razumeti pogoje in izbrati kliniko z ugledom in izkušenimi strokovnjaki. Preglejte garancijski dokument in shranite kopijo za referenco.
What amenities are available at Dual Dental Clinic?
In Dual Dental Clinic, available amenities are:
Organized Bus/Van transfer
All in one place
No waiting period
Zygoma Implants
WiFi in clinic
Workmanship warranty
What are the most popular treatments at Dual Dental Clinic?
At Dual Dental Clinic, the most popular treatment is dental implants. These treatments are sought by patients who visit for dental tourism due to the clinic's reputation for high-quality care and expertise in these areas.
Is dental work cheap in Dual Dental Clinic?
Dual Dental Clinic is known for offering high-quality dental care at competitive prices. Dental work is more affordable compared to many Western European countries, the UK, and the USA.
How much does a full set of teeth cost in Dual Dental Clinic?
The cost of a full set of teeth at Dual Dental Clinic can vary depending on the specific treatment plan and the type of restoration chosen. You might expect the cost to range from €7,000 to €12,000.
How long do dental implants last?
With proper care and maintenance, dental implants placed at Dual Dental Clinic have the potential to last for many years, and in some cases, they can last a lifetime.
How much is a dentist consultation?
The cost of a dentist consultation at Dual Dental Clinic was approximately €150 to €3000. This price may vary based on the specific services included in the consultation that may be required.
Mimoza Mimoza
From the first to the last treatment appointment I am well looked after and professionally advised. Treatment rooms are modernly equipped and the staff are experienced, friendly and professional. I am very satisfied and can recommend it.
Anna Da
I must say that I did not feel pain. The medical staff stood next to me for all my needs. The modern clinic with an impeccable level of hygiene. The excellent reception, from arrival at the airport to hotel accommodation, everything is perfect!
Loredana Loredana
The doctor is really professional, helpful and above all delicate, always taking care of everything down to the last detail, reassuring the customer when he is in front of particular cases. I recommend this dental practice because I finally trust the people who work there and the final work is always excellent.
Tina Parisi
The reception was excellent, they made us feel comfortable both in communication... We strongly recommend that you contact this clinic and you will certainly not regret it. A heartfelt thanks to all the staff.
Dorota Chroboczek
Professionals. Certainly at last :). Affordable prices. Delivery time: express :) A big plus for a short waiting time for rescue :)
Prikazovanje 1-5 od 33
Dual Dental Clinic
4.98/5(33 komentarjev)Zagotovljena najugodnejša ponudba
Če najdete boljšo ceno neposredno v zobozdravstveni kliniki ali na drugem spletnem mestu, jo bomo izenačili ali presegli.