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Invisaligne orhtodontic device (one jaw) - Dr. Alejandro Peña - Alpen Dental Studio

Price: €1,162

The most advanced transparent dental appliance that will transform your smile and life. The Invisalign® dental brace is almost invisible and very elegant. It straightens your teeth with a series of almost invisible splints, which are specially made on your teeth and can be easily removed and placed. When one splint makes the shift it was designed for, it is replaced by another from week to week, so your teeth move and make a perfect smile. Invisalign® transparent dental braces are completely custom-made. They are invisible and adhere well to your teeth. Each splint slowly changes the position of the teeth, moving them horizontally and vertically, and can even rotate them if necessary. They are designed/created to use a strictly defined amount of force at a specific place at a specific time. The moment you move on to the next set of splints, your teeth gradually change position according to the treatment plan defined by your dentist. Invisalign® devices, i.e. sets of splints, are made in America from a unique, patented, multilayer SmartTrack® material.
Dr. Alejandro Peña - Alpen Dental Studio

Dr. Alejandro Peña - Alpen Dental Studio

4.3/5(2 reviews)

Mexico City

  • Straumann implants
  • Everything in one place
  • Specialist for All on 4/6

We are a Dental Clinic that, for 17 years, has been greatly concerned with health and the prevention of oral diseases in the population. We have a team of specialists with a high level of academic and clinical preparation, trained in state-of-the-art technology to provide you with world-class service and high quality standards

Dr. Alejandro Peña - Alpen Dental Studio