
Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Denture supported by 4 implants with locators (hybrid dentures) - Cosmetic Dental Group

Price: €7,500

Total dentures on a large number of implants not only soothe and stabilize the prosthesis, but completely transfer all the load of masticatory load to the implants located in the bone as artificial tooth roots and properly transfer that pressure to the depth, which greatly contributes to jaw bone preservation.
Cosmetic Dental Group

Cosmetic Dental Group

4.35/5(2 reviews)


  • Nobel biocare implants
  • Everything in one place

We are Cosmetic Dental Group from Tijuana, Mexico. We are known for being reliable, professional and we always offer excellent service. The same vision unites our entire work team. Complete satisfaction of our clients by making their health a priority.

Cosmetic Dental Group