
Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Astra Tech Implant insertion - Bodent

Price: €750

The development and production of ASTRA TECH dental implants takes over thirty years. Through research and development, dental implants have been developed that, due to their specific surface area, promote osseointegration and implant stability in the surrounding bone. The specially treated surface of the dental implant, in addition to good integration with the surrounding bone, also promotes better bone development and density. The success of the procedure with ASTRA TECH dental implants is 98 - 100%


4.96/5(30 reviews)


  • Straumann implants
  • Specialist for All on 4/6
  • Awarded doctors
  • Very demanding

Bodent is a successful combination of highly educated dentists in various fields of dentistry.At the same time, individuals and professionals that are trained and able to provide superior services in the field of Periodontology, Endodontics...