
Dental Clinic Sofia

Najbolje od 22 stomatološke ordinacije na destinaciji - Sofija

Dental Clinic Sofia

Sofija, Bugarska
npr. Vađenje zuba

10 najboljih stomatoloških ordinacija na destinaciji Sofija

Impression dent clinic

Impression dent

4.92/5(32 recenzije)


  • Best offer guaranteed
  • High quality
  • High demand

Metalokeramička kruna€205

AllDental clinic


4.91/5(35 recenzija)


  • Straumann implants
  • Hot prices

Straumann implantacija€660

All on 4 (akrilni zubi)€2,500

Metalokeramička kruna€180

Sofia implant centre clinic

Sofia implant centre

4.53/5(3 recenzije)


  • Straumann implants
  • Best offer guaranteed

Straumann implantacija€1,000

All on 4 (akrilni zubi)€2,950

Vedra Dental Holistic Clinic clinic

Vedra Dental Holistic Clinic

4.6/5(2 recenzije)


  • High quality

All on 4 (akrilni zubi)€2,042

Metalokeramička kruna€281

3D Dental clinic clinic

3D Dental clinic

4.93/5(3 recenzije)


  • 20+ years of experinace
  • Specialist for All on 4/6
  • High quality
  • High demand

Ugradnja Astra Tech implantata€500

All on 4 (akrilni zubi)€2,300

Metalokeramička kruna€120

Saliev Dental Care clinic

Saliev Dental Care

4.8/5(5 recenzija)


  • Best offer guaranteed

umetanje implantata Direct€650

Metalokeramička kruna€180

Dental Center Da Vinci Clinic clinic

Dental Center Da Vinci Clinic

4.5/5(4 recenzije)


  • Own labaratory
  • Best offer guaranteed

All on 4 (akrilni zubi)€3,000

Metalokeramička kruna€170

EO Dent Dental Clinic clinic

EO Dent Dental Clinic

4.52/5(5 recenzija)


  • High quality

Metalokeramička kruna€158

Dental Studio Perfect clinic

Dental Studio Perfect

4.6/5(2 recenzije)


  • Best offer guaranteed
  • Hot deals

Metalokeramička kruna€110

The Top Dental Clinic clinic

The Top Dental Clinic

4.57/5(3 recenzije)


  • High quality

Zimmer Biomet TSV implantat€1,025

Metalokeramička kruna€400

Pogledajte sve 22 stomatološke ordinacije na destinaciji - Sofija

Često postavljana pitanja

Koje su najbolje stomatološke ordinacije na destinaciji - Sofija?

Svaka stomatološka ordinacija na našoj platformi pomno je odabrana i dostupne su mnoge izvrsne opcije za vaše potrebe. Najbolje stomatološke ordinacije uključuju:
  • Impression dent
  • AllDental
  • Sofia implant centre

Koje su prednosti izbora destinacije Sofija za stomatološki tretman u inostranstvu?

Odabir destinacije Sofija za stomatološki tretman u inostranstvu može vam pomoći da uštedite novac, pristupite visokokvalitetnoj nezi, uživate u odmoru i doživite drugačiju kulturu. U zavisnosti od vaših preferencija, budžeta i stomatoloških potreba, možete birati između raznih destinacija koje nude pristupačne i kvalitetne stomatološke usluge.

Zašto su stomatološke procedure jeftinije u drugim zemljama?

Pristupačnost stomatološkog lečenja u inostranstvu proizilazi iz faktora kao što su niži troškovi života i materijala, plate kvalifikovanih stručnjaka i još mnogo toga. Propisi, ekonomija obima, infrastruktura i devizni kurs takođe doprinose. Stomatološki turizam nudi uštedu i negu - birajte mudro za zdraviji, samouvereniji osmeh

Stomatološki turizam na destinaciji - Sofija

Welcome to Sofia

Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria, located at the foot of Vitosha Mountain. It has a rich history and diverse architecture, with many ancient landmarks such as the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, National Palace of Culture, and Boyana Church. Sofia also has modern amenities like shopping malls, theaters, and restaurants, making it a fascinating destination to explore. 

Dental Work Costs

Dental work in Sofia, Bulgaria is 50% to 70% cheaper than in many Western European countries, including dental implants, crowns, fillings, and cosmetic treatments. Despite the lower prices, the quality of dental care in Sofia is high, making it a popular destination for dental tourism. 

Brands, Technology & Quality of Dental Care

Dental clinics in Sofia, Bulgaria offer high-quality treatments and advanced technologies, such as digital radiography, CAD/CAM systems, and laser dentistry. Dentists in Sofia undergo extensive training and use internationally recognized brands for materials and equipment to ensure reliability and effectiveness. Patients can expect top-notch care from skilled professionals in Sofia. 

Payment Methods

  • Cash

  • Credit/Debit cards

  • Bank transfers

  • International Insurance

How to Reach Your Destination

Sofia, Bulgaria can be reached by various means, such as driving, taking a train, bus, or flight from neighboring countries. Many European cities offer direct flights to Sofia's main airport. Once you arrive, it is easy to navigate the city and reach your desired destination with Sofia's well-developed transportation network.