
Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Wironit combined dentures - Zagreb Dent

Price: €662

Combined prosthetic work involves a combination of fixed and mobile dental restorations. It is used in all cases when there are not enough teeth in the lateral region, or the remaining teeth are not of sufficient quality to make a completely fixed work, and there are no conditions or desire to install implants in the toothless zones. Toothless areas are compensated with a partial mobile prosthesis. Such constructions are extremely good and of high quality and can be a great alternative if other possibilities of edentulous therapy are excluded.
Zagreb Dent

Zagreb Dent

4.46/5(22 reviews)


  • Straumann implants
  • Best offer guaranteed

Zg Dent practice specializes in implantology and aesthetic dentistry. We are a certified Straumann group implant placement office. Our mission is to enable you to laugh everyday, relaxed, spontaneously. In addition to implants, which are our specialty, the Zg Dent office offers all dental services.