
Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Zoom teeth whitening - Studio Dental Frntić

Price: €200

Zoom WhiteSpeed ​​is an innovative and effective professional teeth whitening composition. The zoom lamp emits optimal light levels with much higher intensity. The light activates the photocatalyst inside the Zoom Chairside Gel which speeds up and improves whitening results and provides excellent results. Zoom teeth whitening is the perfect way to restore the natural whiteness of teeth.
Studio Dental Frntić

Studio Dental Frntić

4/5(1 review)


  • Everything in one place
  • Personal approach
  • High quality
  • Very demanding

The doctors at Studio Dental Frntić are recognized by top manufacturers of implantology systems, giving us support, trust and a guarantee for the installation of the best implants. The offices of our polyclinic meet all the technological standards prescribed by the European Union, and with the highest hygiene standards from which we do not deviate, we regularly install implants with a success rate of acceptance greater than 91%.

Studio Dental Frntić