
Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Tooth extraction - Spadent

Price: €67

Tooth extraction is an oral-surgical procedure. Although modern dentistry tries to preserve every tooth in some situations, it is still necessary to resort to tooth extraction. Before each tooth extraction, it is necessary to make an X-ray and try to endodontically treat the tooth and do everything to keep it in the jaw. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to save a tooth and it is necessary to perform tooth extraction.


4.91/5(36 reviews)


  • Straumann implants
  • Awarded doctors
  • High quality
  • Very demanding

SPADENT is located in a superbly arranged space where we apply the latest therapeutic methods and technologies in the field of dental medicine. Doctors of dental medicine with national and international reputation in teaching, postgraduate and professional education, scientific and clinical work work here.