
Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Straumann implant insertion - Özel Mustafa Kemal Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Polikliniğı

Price: €1,000

Straumann is the leading Swiss company in the production of implants and osteogenetic replacements in the world. The product line consists of top-quality dental prosthetics such as dental implants, dental crowns and bridges, as well as prosthetic extensions (suprastructures) that connect the new tooth to the implant.

At Özel Mustafa Kemal Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Polikliniğı,we aim to protect your oral and dental health with preventive and protective practices from a young age. Our most important goal is to make correct dental care and cleaning a permanent habit, this is our top priority, and treatment practices other than these are our second priority and intervention.

Özel Mustafa Kemal Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Polikliniğı