
Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Metal ceramic crown - Orizont dent

Price: €122

The base of the crown is made of a metal alloy that is completely covered with ceramic so that the metal part is not visible. The metals used to make metal-ceramic crowns are gold alloys, alloys of other metals (eg titanium ...) or alloys with a steel base (eg nickel or chromium). The main advantage of metal-ceramic crowns is that the metal in the substrate gives a distinct strength. Also, due to their strength and consistency, they are often used in covering the premolars and molars where strong masticatory forces are present.
Orizont dent

Orizont dent

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  • Best offer guaranteed

Since 2015, we have been building trust, smile after smile, for all those who decide to enter our dental practice in Constanta. A place where a warm and friendly atmosphere welcomes you.With the right friends, you can always get anything you want. We are specialists in dentistry, but above all we are people. First of all, we were also in the role of a patient and we know how many thoughts and worries you have even before you arrive at the dental office. That's why our mission is that you don't have to worry.

Orizont dent