
Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Sandblasting for teeth with air flow method (removal of pigmentation) - Niveus Dental Estetic Center

Price: €40

The removal of soft deposits and tooth pigmentation in modern dentistry today is performed with the Air-Flow ® system, and the procedure is called tooth sandblasting. The treatment is completely painless for the patient and lasts about 20 minutes on average. It is recommended as part of the preparation for teeth whitening and part of your everyday healthy and bright smile.
Niveus Dental Estetic Center

Niveus Dental Estetic Center

4.58/5(4 reviews)


  • Nobel biocare implants
  • High quality

Rich multi-generational experience and constant progress that follows the latest standards of dental medicine and facial care make Niveus Dental Aesthetic Center the polyclinic of the best choice in Zagreb. Our vision is focused on tenderness and complete dedication in dealing with patients.

Niveus Dental Estetic Center