
Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Porcelain laminates (Veneers) - Kamerdent

Price: €400

Ceramic flakes or Veneers are one of the most common solutions in contemporary aesthetic dentistry to achieve the perfect white smile. These are thin transparent porcelain slips that stick to the front surface of the tooth and can be used to correct many irregularities like shape, size, position, and color of the tooth. If you want to restore confidence and a nice smile, the scales are an ideal solution for achieving harmoniously shaped teeth and a brilliant white smile.


4.3/5(1 review)


  • Accomodation next to clinic

Kamerdent is a clinic with friendly team, maintains patient satisfaction at the highest level, where children can happily have fun and serve on the theme of trust and friendship. They will solve all your problems in the shortest possible time and meet all your wishes.