
Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Alveolectomy - EsteticaDent

Price: €120

Alvelotomy is a surgical procedure that is applied when extracted (immature) teeth are extracted, most often wisdom teeth. It involves the removal of part of the bone around the tooth - the alveoli. This reveals the tooth in the depth of the jawbone. So, it is the removal of a part of the bone above the unerupted tooth and after the removal of that part of the bone - the tooth can be extracted with the use of other instruments.


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  • Everything in one place
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EsteticaDent is a young and enthusiastic team with many years of experience. Our dental center is at the service of its patients with surgeries equipped with state-of-the-art chairs and X-ray diagnostics. We will eliminate all fear and discomfort already at the first examination, where we will answer all questions along with suggestions for your future smile.
