
Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Metal ceramic crown - Dental Centar Grzela

Price: €213

The base of the crown is made of a metal alloy that is completely covered with ceramic so that the metal part is not visible. The metals used to make metal-ceramic crowns are gold alloys, alloys of other metals (eg titanium ...) or alloys with a steel base (eg nickel or chromium). The main advantage of metal-ceramic crowns is that the metal in the substrate gives a distinct strength. Also, due to their strength and consistency, they are often used in covering the premolars and molars where strong masticatory forces are present.
Dental Centar Grzela

Dental Centar Grzela

4.08/5(5 reviews)


  • 20+ years of experinace
  • High quality
  • Very demanding

At Dental Centar Grzela we apply new generations of materials and new methods of treatment in order to provide our patients with a level of service according to the highest European standards.

Dental Centar Grzela