
Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Language: ENG

Currency: EUR


Alveolectomy - Daniela dental

Price: €149

Alvelotomy is a surgical procedure that is applied when extracted (immature) teeth are extracted, most often wisdom teeth. It involves the removal of part of the bone around the tooth - the alveoli. This reveals the tooth in the depth of the jawbone. So, it is the removal of a part of the bone above the unerupted tooth and after the removal of that part of the bone - the tooth can be extracted with the use of other instruments.
Daniela dental

Daniela dental

4.26/5(7 reviews)


  • Specialist for Proesthetic

Daniela dental provides the services of a complete dental program. In addition to essential care for the health of your teeth, we provide services for the production of all types of prosthetic works, as well as aesthetic corrections on the teeth and face.

Daniela dental